A dog pretends to go astray to feed on McDonald's


princess it's a dog who lives in the United States, ad Oklahoma Citywith his mistress Betsy Reyes. An animal so much sly force the girl herself to throw a call in the web world because they stop feeding their dog, because of the weight that becomes more and more important each day. In fact, the dog in question manages to soften pbadersby in the area and to get more food, in addition to what the owner gives him.

Recently, near Betsy's house and his dog Princess, he has open one of the most famous food chains in the world: the Mc Donald's. As often happens, with the opening of the restaurant, the McDriveso that customers can buy food in the car without getting off and taking it off immediately.

The Princess's plan and Betsy's appeal

Princess, as soon as she discovered the presence of the new room just below the house, gave life to a plan that, according to the owner herself, works too well to compel her to publish a video and one Photo of his dog on the profile Facebook staff, requesting the collaboration of McDonald's customers in the area.

The dog leaves the garden of the house almost every evening to go to McDrive and, putting on a tender and convincing expression, feigned to be a dog wandering and needing food, thus always getting a little bit of hamburger. BetsyHaving noticed the weight which his princess continued to bear, he publicly asked not to feed his dog.

To all who recognize the princess, through the post and the photos of his dog on stage during his stops at McDrive are asking him to ignore it, stating that it is not a stray dog, but simply a problem. a very cunning animal, able to soften the heart of all matter.

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