A fake consortium of companies sets up a fraud of 300 million euros


On Tuesday, more than 200 financiers executed 21 personal preventive custody orders and carried out numerous searches in the provinces of Bari, Bergamo, Biella, Brescia, Caserta, Crotone, Fermo, Foggia, Forlì-Cesena, Lecce, Macerata, Milan, Modena, Novara, Rimini, Rome, Savona, Taranto, Teramo, Turin, Venice and Vercelli. 5 people (including 2 accountants) and 12 under house arrest ended up in prison; 4 independent professionals were affected by the restrictive measure of the obligation of signature, as well as by the ban of one year of the exercise of the activity and by the l 39; prohibition of the management of legal persons and companies; more than 50 suspects are at liberty. This is the result of the investigation activity coordinated by the Deputy Prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Milan Court and delegate to the Group of the Guardia di Finanza de Rho.

The operation, carried out with the help of technical investigations, allowed to unmask the existence of an badociative system and to rebuild a fraud against the tax office of A total value of nearly 300 million euros, set up by the constitution of a consortium of companies operating in the slaughter and meat sector. In particular, the inconsistency of the whole consortium structure used by the leaders of the badociation as a means of progressive monopolization of the national reference market and circulation of large amounts of illicit capital has been raised. It was in fact a company (usually Srl or Srl) registered as mere "nominees" in which they systematically created significant fictitious VAT credits, by the presentation of fraudulent annual declarations (by the company). Use of invoices for non-existent transactions) and / or unfaithful ones. In execution of the same order, issued by the G.I.P. at the Milan Court – Guido Salvini, a seizure was also made to confiscate more than 90 properties, including luxury villas, apartments, restaurants, discos, 35 cars including many luxury cars, 2 yachts , more than 200 company summaries, current accounts, cash, jewelry and 7 safes, for a total value of about 60 million

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