the last aerospace and defense industry show before the Brexit. It begins Monday, July 16 in Farnborough, South West London. The growing sector, driven by increased production, revenues and profits, both civilian and military
China ranks third in the world
Worldwide, the sector has a dimension that is worth worth $ 838 billion, according to calculations of two US badysts, Richard Aboulafia of Teal Group and Kevin Michaels of AeroDynamic Advisory. The aerospace industry is one of the most important industries in the world, according to Aboulafia. The study also establishes a ranking of countries according to the size of the industry. The five largest are the United States, France, China, Britain and Germany. We were surprised by the size of the Chinese aerospace industry, although we knew that it was growing rapidly, Michaels said

Trump to NATO allies: spend more on defense or lose patience
Military spending increases
Military spending will increase this year from 1,728 to 1,780 billion dollars worldwide, and next year they should reach 1,838 billion, according to a Deloitte report, under the pressure of reinstated Pentagon investments, which took place before President Donald Trump asked NATO partners to double 2 to 4% of GDP military spending by 2024 (Italy to 1.1%).
In the United States a total military expenditure of $ 607 billion this year (similar to last year) and 686 billion the next year, would be the highest level since 2011.
The market for commercial jet aircraft is concentrated
Civil aviation continues to grow, with a steady increase in traffic and good profitability, despite the rise in the price of oil, which has reached about $ 90 a barrel. IATA estimates that this year, the total net profits of airlines worldwide will be $ 33.8 billion (or 4.1% of revenues). The world's two largest global business groups, Boeing and Airbus, are coming to Farnborough with the dot of recent acquisitions in commercial jets. Airbus has just completed the acquisition of the majority of Bombardier's business in Series C, Boeing last week responded to an agreement to buy 80% of Embraer's business in jet aircraft regional. The farmers' market is concentrated
SEE THE VIDEO: NATO Summit and Military Expenditures. Trump's criticism of the EU's allies
Boeing outpaces Airbus in new orders
In the first half of this year Boeing said it obtained 460 net orders for a new aircraft, Airbus 206. The American group therefore claims more than double the orders of the European competitor. However, when reading the trade data, it is noted that 75 of the aircraft sold by Seattle were "purchased" by Boeing itself, through the Boeing Capital Financial Division, for an "undisclosed customer". This shows that Boeing had to help close the financing agreement. In the first half, Boeing delivered 378 new commercial jets to its customers, compared with 303 for Airbus. The two automakers hope to reach a new record in the production of deliveries at the end of the year, between 810 and 815 aircraft Boeing, "about 800" Airbus.

Thirty: we will not buy any other F-35, we evaluate whether to maintain or be
Lockheed, 300 F-35 fighter-bombers delivered
The world's number one and third-largest defender, Lockheed Martin, presents with the F-35, the controversial fighter-bomber whose 300 aircraft have already been delivered, mainly to US military forces. Lockheed arrives in Farnborough while British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to reduce the purchase of the 138 F-35 scheduled to direct more money on other products of British industry . The problem of the F-35 is still hot even in Italy. The new Defense Minister, Elisabetta Trenta, said on July 6 in an interview to La7: We will not buy any other F-35s. We evaluate what to do with the contract already signed. The agreements between the Italian government, the United States and Lockheed provide for the purchase of 90 F-35, the number was reduced during the Monti government compared with 131 originally planned.
Meanwhile, the purchases of the American fighter-bomber continue in batches, in silence and without total transparency. According to what has been revealed by the Milex Observatory on military and non-denied expenditures, the contract was signed on April 25 for a new batch of eight aircraft destined for Italy, bringing the number of airplanes in the country. total commitment already made by Italy to 26 fighter-bombers. Of these, the F-35s already delivered are 10 (nine to the Air Force and one to the Navy).

Leonardo: 1500 ATR rockets, a "historic milestone"
Leonardo-Finmeccanica 12th in the world by business figure
The ranking of global producers dominated by Americans. According to the ranking established by Deloitte on the basis of turnover in 2017, the top ten are seven Americans, there are only three Europeans: the second Franco-German Airbus, the British Bae Systems eighth, the French Safran tenth. Then another French band, Thales, while the Italian Leonardo, formerly Finmeccanica, 12th. waited at Farnborough also the intervention of the a.d. from Leonardo-Finmeccanica, Alessandro Profumo, on the innovations of the group, which, after the era of Mauro Moretti, is going through a phase of transformation and internal jolts, as evidenced by the case of cyber security which, at the outcome of an internal investigation relations with suppliers and other operations led to the "resignation" of the head of the cyber division, Andrea Biraghi, and the dismissal of his collaborator and director of shopping, Stefano Orlandini. Other managers in the same division are still the subject of an internal investigation. Perfume chose as the new head of the division, ad interim, Norman Bone, Scottish, who also led the group's avionics division
The Giordo movements between Prague and Ryadh
Spotlights also shot the movements of 39; another Italian manager, Giuseppe Giordo, ex ad Alenia, two years in Prague at the head of Aero Vodochody, a coach and a light fighter company that recently reached an agreement with the Israeli and Israeli is now focusing on the US defense market. Giordo also joined the board of directors of Saudi Arabia's new defense industry, the Sami (Saudi Arabia's military industry), formed by Ryadh's sovereign wealth fund for the development of A local defense industry. Ryadh wants to develop an industry and supply chain also in relation to the rich military orders agreed with President Donald Trump. There are ongoing contacts and comparisons with major US aerospace groups, Sami has signed a memorandum of understanding with Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon and General Dynamics. The developments of these agreements could be pyrotechnic
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