A mouthful stuck in the trachea Dies in front of the mother – Chronicle


Piombino. A mouthful stuck in his throat, he did not want to go down. Hands around his neck, his chest, his breath that had disappeared. The mother tried every way to help her as she did after her doctor and her public badistance volunteers. But there was nothing to do.

Francesca Barsotti 46 years old, died suffocated by this bite. On the report, the 118 doctor could only write "suffocating cardio-respiratory arrest."

It happened late Thursday night in a country house, in Morticino, along the road that connects Piombino and Baratti. [19659003FrancescaBarsottivivetheyearofyourhousedhouseholdsandresidenceclearanceElleywomenandthemosthefamilywasalwaysproched[her]

Francesca was an introverted girl who, after a brief filming experience made in her youth, had fallen back on herself, retreating into the peace of the countryside. Less famous than the cousin Sabrina Barsotti who had built her career on bad cinema, Francesca was shown distant from this world. And much more fragile. Although in look and in physical appearance, neat and even by minor surgery, it seemed that he was constantly looking for a model, that of Barbie, the doll-icon of several generations of teens .

Perhaps it was also for this weakness that many loved it. For her and her parents, well known: her mother Loredana Frascino owner of the Retro, a store of used furniture and antiques in Via De Amicis; and his father Nivio Barsotti former president and future consul of the company Portuali di Piombino. Esteemed people, beloved. Francesca also worked often in the family shop

The tragedy took place the other evening while Francesca was at home, at the table with her parents

One evening like many others, eating together and talk about

As we learned, Francesca had some problems, she did not swallow very well. On Thursday night there was also fried mozzarella. One of them remained in the woman's throat, she got stuck in the lower part of the trachea.

Francesca began to get angry, she did not breathe, she could not cough any more. Her mother immediately tried to save her, to expel her mouthful. But the situation in a few moments has precipitated. Francesca could not breathe. It was more or less 22:30 when the mother called 118, desperate, asking for help. On site a Public Assistance ambulance with the doctor on board. Francesca was already cyanotic but the doctor and the volunteers tried to revive her. Twenty long

minutes of testing. Then silence.

The body was composed and since yesterday it is located in the farewell room of the Public Assistance, via Gori. This morning at 9 am the funeral will be held in the church of the Immaculate. Then return to the cemetery, for burial. –

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