The initiative launched by Graziella Viviano takes root, which on Facebook responds to Grillo. With the hashtag #unosprayperlavita the invitation to highlight the dangerous holes, roots and troughs for bikers
Graziella Viviano, mother of Elena Aubry, the little girl 25 years old who died while driving his Via Ostiense scooter in Rome, there is no peace but tries to turn his sentence into something useful to save other lives and there is a few days of his Facebook profile, where he continues to dialogue with his missing daughter through open letters, has launched a proposal to highlight the holes, abnormal bumps and roots that make Roman roads disconnected from the yellow paint. And the initiative seems to have affected the sensitivity of the Romans and settled. More and more images are posted on the social networks of these photographers photographing spray cans:
A highlighting operation that seems to move even the city's administration if it is true, as Viviano herself acknowledges in another post. in some cases the holes highlighted with the verin have already been "patched" with asphalt:
A positive result of which there are only two days, in one of the thoughts addressed to the girl, the mother seemed to doubt, ] bitterly observing how someone even denies the existence of holes in the streets of Rome:
"Hello Elena, I am a mother, always me.You know, here it starts to get really hot, you go to the sea, this year together, more laughter, nothing … NOTHING !!! But I do not write for it, I do not want to think about it I would go crazy … I need you, my love I need your help here, they do not seem to understand, there are those who say that b there is not not … "
That someone was identified by many in Beppe Grillo, founder of the Cinquestelle Movement who with Virginia Raggi governs Rome for two years, and the mother's post has the flavor of a quiet response to the video posted last Sunday by the comedian on his Facebook profile in which, hand-held microphone and speaker to drag the surrounding traffic in "moralizing", Beppa Grillo stresses : "Not even a hole … not even a hole …" covering for another the link of the A24 whose maintenance is the responsibility of Strada dei Parchi and not of the city of Rome as he then reported some users:
But Graziella Viviano does not seem to want to focus on the political controversy but rather to promote an initiative that, in a very practical way, seems to be able to replace the bad maintenance of the pavement of the streets of the capital:
He goes to the sea, so many people go on the streets and … you know what can happen if a bump, a hole "goes wrong". But, my love, we must not allow other people to die. It is and works, just highlight them with a simple box of yellow paint. "
Meanwhile, the findings of the police instructed by the prosecutor of Rome to carry out the reliefs on the Via Cristoforo pavement were published Colombo where Noemi Carrozza died on June 15, according to which the accident that The young champion's life was not due to the poor condition of the surface of the road.This stretch of road, in the area of Via di Villa di Plinio, there would be no pits or dangerous holes.
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