absurd death at the age of 13


An apparently paradoxical incident, a holiday ended tragically for a family from Frosinone province on a weekly vacation to Sperlonga. Sara Francesca Bbado, 13, did not do it, she died after being sucked by the underwater pipe for the change of water in the pool which prevented her from going back to the surface too long. The girl died at dawn yesterday morning after emergency hospitalization at the Gemelli Policlionico of Rome. And now it's time for questions from the Attorney General of Latina on how it was possible that the cozy environment of the Grand Hotel Virgilio, a four-star hotel with a swimming pool "perfect for spending quiet days" could have become a trap deadly. 19659002] It is Wednesday afternoon. It's just after 5pm, the girl is resting alone in the hotel's whirlpool. A few strokes before going out to make a snack that is sucked out of the nozzle of the tub and kept in the bottom by the vortex. An American tourist dives, manages to get her out of the water with little effort and starts calling for help. Among the guests of the hotel, there is a cardiologist who arrives and revives him. The heart starts beating again and the girl comes back to breathe, but without regaining consciousness. At this moment, the rescue car stumbles; The student is transported with the helicopter to the "Gemelli" hospital in Rome. The worst seems to have pbaded. The situation suddenly collapses and at 4 o'clock on Thursday morning the heart stops beating

In these hours the Carabinieri of Sperlonga and Terracina try to shed light on the incredible episode and for that they put to the times the small hotel pool as the technical rooms where the pumps are located under seizure. A story on which technicians must say the last word and explain how a filler about twenty inches wide may have been fatal. The results of the autopsy were also fundamental to establish whether the victim, in addition to being sucked by the filler, was caught by an illness that prevented him from gaining the sucking of the load and returning on the surface. The 13-year-old lived a few months with his mother in Morolo, a small town in the Frosinone province

This is not the first time that the newspapers deal with the Grand Hotel Virgilio. In 2014, he was abducted by the Carabinieri for a series of construction abuses and two years later he was kidnapped by ARMA and the Guardia di Finanza. In the latter case, an abusive subdivision and invasion of the land were issued

"You can not die at 13 because of a lightness in a private pool – comments Laura Corotti, Regional Councilor of the Lega and vice-president of the XII Commission for the Protection of the Territory.The fact happened in Sperlonga is very serious, inconceivable, shameful.A teenager who dies because she was sucked by a pipe in the pool where she was going to have a vacation, I hope that the investigations will lead to the truth and condemnation of those who have caused the young man's death too lightly and to understand if all the safety precautions of the swimmers had been implemented. , including the presence of a first aid worker to the girl's relatives, in a moment of immense suffering, the proximity of the Lazio region, "he concludes.

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