Acerra, dead the second carabinier involved in the July 20 incident – Chronicle


Acerra, July 31, 2018 – E & # 39; died in the hospital in Naples on Brigadier overwhelmed by a car while he was in train with a colleague, suddenly died one in a car accident along the national road 7a, in Acerra in the Neapolitan area.

The Armed Forces, Attilio Picoco were in serious condition since the last July 20 when he had been a victim of a car accident in which his colleague was dead and also the security officer who was driving a car involved in a previous incident shortly before. The group of people had been overwhelmed by the car led by a 36-year-old man, identified and investigated for murder. Other carabineers were saved by jumping the guardrail . Suddenly worsening of the clinical conditions of the vicebrigadière.

CORDOGLIO DI SALVINI – The Minister of the Interior sent a telegram to the Commander-General of Arma Giovanni Nistri : "I hear emotionally the news of the death of the deputy police officer of Carabinieri Attilio Picoco, who was badly injured in the tragic event in which the chosen director Vincenzo Ottaviano also lost his life ".

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