Act 104, 1900 euros bonus and permit with other news in 2018 upon arrival


Law 104 introduces a series of innovations for 2018 already implemented, but others come with some of them that seems almost certain, after a long process, from others that may come from the amended legislative framework.

It is impossible not to depart from a strict current issue, that of the use of the permits of the law 104 without having the right to do so. We are referring to this set of rules governing the support of persons with disabilities. As a result, improper behavior, as well as punishable under the law, is doubly serious from an ethical point of view. The issues are the days of leave or leave requested by the worker, often voluntarily announced by the various governments, willing to grant more leeway, but also to optimize the resources granted on the basis of the fight against crooks. To date, the use of permits 104 without right (even abuse) is a civil offense that can lead to a dismissal at the workplace and may result in prosecution for fraud against the state, with all the consequences which also results in the search for a new occupation.

The bonus of 1900 euros arrives

But the novelty of the last one is another: the bonus in the form of a contribution of 1,900 euros, granted to & # 39; INPS and for one year. Recipients are only those who provide badistance to a disabled family member aged 80 or older. Hoping that this could be the right time, there is the unification of three bills in one text – 2048 De Pietro: "Measures for people who help close relatives or close relatives", 2128 Bignami: "Rules for the Recognition and Support of the Family Helper", 2266 Angioni: "National Framework Law for the Recognition and Valorization of the Family Helper" – which suggests a faster and simplified way compared to what has been seen so far. The uncertainty is rather related to the timing because the text of the decree has not yet been definitively approved. The most optimistic badumption is the approval by the end of the year and the actual availability in 2019.

The premium of the family help then registered in the set of measures envisaged in favor of the badistants of a member of the disabled family. The name with which they are universally known is that of caregivers. Regardless of the act that can be requested in the form of a contribution or a deduction, to get the premium of 1,900 €, one must fulfill certain conditions, three to be exact: provide care and badisting a relative in the third degree of kinship, who is 80 years of age or older; be in possession of the family status and ISee 2018; be without income or with an income of less than 25,000 euros per year, to benefit from the premium in the form of a tax deduction; be deprived of income or totally or partially unable to benefit from the bonus as a cash contribution paid by the INPS.

Not only the bonus of 1900 euros: there is another

Regarding the terms of use, the route is twofold: in the form of a monetary contribution paid by the & # 39; 39; INPS or a tax deduction. In any case, if the premium of 1,900 euros is the measure that attracts the most attention, on the horizon you can see at least six other measures that could give a new face to the sector: social security contributions figurative for the pension, possibility of asking for time and telecommuting at home, recognition of the status of family caregiver, protection against diseases and the insurance of the carer, the law 104, the Solidarity holidays.

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