Action designed to lock Trump on the G20?


There are two different but equally disturbing ways to explain the new Russian-Ukrainian crisis arising from the naval accident in the Kerch Strait. The first to stage the standoff between Moscow and Kiev in the undeclared war which, since the annexation of Crimea (2014), has already made 10 500 dead. In addition to the armed conflict in the pro-Russian provinces of eastern Ukraine, new tensions on the interior fronts have been added, now that the Ukrainian Poroshenko looks forward to the elections of the Next year and that Russian Putin has seen its popularity dwindle. International mediations (Minsk agreements) have led to little or nothing, and Trump's decision to provide lethal weapons in Kiev has thrown oil on the fire. It is therefore not surprising that two Ukrainian patrol boats towed by a tug may appear to the Russian forces as a formidable force, that the Russians would fire and that the boats would be seized. Not only because the Russian reactions are always disproportionate, but also because during the transition from the Black Sea to the sea of ​​Azov, the former KGB had to face a challenge, not to recognize the annexation of the Crimean coast, even to a disfigurement. to the 20-kilometer bridge built by Moscow to unite the homeland to Crimea. The reactions of Western capitals are up-to-date and inevitable, with Warsaw demanding new sanctions against Russia and NATO, allowing it to make its voice heard more than usual. But there is also another explanation. On November 30, in three days, this year's G20 will be held in Buenos Aires. In addition to seeing Xi Jinping, Trump will meet Putin and talk to him about European security and disarmament. Just yesterday, Moscow again complained of the intention of the White House to withdraw from the INF Treaty, the one that abolished the Euromissiles. And in three days, Russia hopes to have clarifications from Trump, as they wish from different positions, many European capitals. At the Helsinki meeting, it is clear that the US President could yield, who did not completely give up the dialogue with Putin. But in the midst of a new Ukrainian crisis, it would be very difficult if not impossible. That someone thought of tying the hands of the unpredictable Donald?

November 26, 2018 (Amendment November 26, 2018 | 23:22)


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