Adsl and Fiber Optic, with the arrival of the Fastweb super offers arrive


Packages to seize for an internet connection with or without fixed telephony

  Connection, internet, web, adsl, lan, network, fiber

The summer is upon us and the market for Adsl offers and fiber optics is very florid . For those who want to change the domestic connection is perhaps the most appropriate time. Many are the operators who launch really great packages these days.

Among the offers to grab on the fly, there is no doubt that there are Fastweb . Over the past few weeks, the telecommunications company has introduced competitive bids, always based on a single, transparent price and without contractual restrictions

The main offers Adsl Fibra of Fastweb for home are " Internet " and " Internet + Telephone ". Let's see them in detail

" Internet ": this is the Fastweb offer designed for those who need an internet connection without a fixed telephone network. At 24.95 € per month instead of 29.95 € with this package, you can surf unlimitedly up to at 1Gigabit / s, taking advantage of all Fastweb services, including those reserved for online gambling and still at the highest stability and speed of connection available

"Internet + Phone": adds to the offer " Internet " Unlimited calls to all national fixed to € 29.95 per month instead of € 34.95 per month . For the package, you can add unlimited calls to mobile phones at +3 euros per month or 1000 minutes calling to international numbers at +5.43 euros per month.

Both offerings include the FASTGate modem a state-of-the-art WI-Fi device with the latest generation design; a Digital service with free choice for 1 year that can be accessed after being registered in the customer area Fastweb MyFASTPage and one year from Amazon Prime . [19659004] The services of "Internet" and "Internet + Telephone" also complete the offer Sky and Fastweb : the combined package to surf without borders with Adsl and Fiber Optics, to have a fixed telephone line and live all the entertainment channels Sky TV, Sky Box Sets, Sky Family. For those who activate the offer, until 15 September 2019, Fastweb reserves a special price of 20,90 € per month instead of 60,95 € .

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