After 39 flights, the shot is legitimate


Marco Lomonaco, self defense, fredy

"I live here for fear of robbing myself." These are the words spoken months ago by Fredy Pacini, the tire repairer of Monte San Savino (AR) who, to defend his work of the umpteenth flight, opened fire on two thieves last night, killing one.

Now: it would be easy to report this as the usual case of the shopkeeper exasperated by the robberies who decided to appeal to the private justice when obviously, the state, by his serious fault, had not arrived. Here, you must not make this mistake. This could really be the case where the state will for the first time take side of the one who legitimately defended an attack, and not the other way around.

Fredy Pacini he did not shoot behind unarmed badailants who wanted "only" to steal money, but he fired on the thirty-ninth robbery that he had been forced to suffer from those who seemed to have been armed aggressors by the first responders.

For the first time, where it has not been possible to intervene in advance – the trader denouncing his exasperation – he may succeed, after a process that remains sacrosanct, to take the roles of a a citizen who could not do, if not defend, the activity he put to the sweat of his brow.

The bullet is now going to Parliament: it will be up to them to find a solution to the umpteenth case considered by the majority of the public opinion as an "excess of legitimate defense".

Well, dear Minister Salvini, there is an urgent need for a law on this "legitimate" defense of which we speak so much, but which, in the eyes of the judge, is never as legitimate as it should be. # 39; be. This must be a top priority of the new government, which is now facing another decisive crossroads: it will be necessary to choose between doing or not for forgotten citizens of this country.

It's also thanks to UNAVI – National Union of Victims – that the law on legitimate defense went to the Senate. We now hope that the bill will be pbaded on to the House and will not be sunk, as is often the case in Italy.

Fredy Pacini law on self-defense legitimate legitimate defense Marco Lomonaco matteo salvini Parliament UNAVI-National Union Victims

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