After the decision – The League on the decision on party funds: "Attack on democracy, meeting with Mattarella" Italy


  Matteo Salvini

Matteo Salvini

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Rome – We are facing a serious attack on democracy and the Constitution: they want to put the first Italian party away from the court, "we ask for a meeting with the head of state" upon his return from Lithuania. The League continues to use strong tones to maintain the tension on the case of the 49 million public funds still at the center of the investigations of the Court of Genoa and the day after the decision of the Supreme Court .

From the Quirinal, however, there is no sort of comment on the meeting request. In parliamentary circles, however, it can be seen that Presidents of the Republic never interfered with the decisions of the judiciary.

Meanwhile, there is conflict between Lega and Csm the Board of Governors expressing – informally – "a grave concern" for words and tones that are considered "unacceptable". And the Carroccio responds with rhymes: "Only in Turkey, in modern times, a democratic party and voted by millions of people has been banned by justice," is the response of party sources.

Francesco Minisci, President of the National Association of Magistrates (19459016), intervenes: "It must be strongly reaffirmed that magistrates do not take measures against democracy or the Constitution and that they do not prosecute no political goals, on behalf of the Italian people, following the rules and principles of law they give in their motives. "And the ANM – continues Minisci -" rejects any attempt to delegitimize the jurisdiction and the obscuration of the impartiality of the judges, a constitutional principle in defense of which it will continue to carry out its action, hoping that all those who exercise public functions have at heart the same fundamental principles ".

And he speaks openly to the head of the Genoa prosecutor, Francesco Cozzi
but by merely remembering a "technical data", the seizure of property becomes executable "provided that the judgment of the principle affirmed by the Supreme Court. "From a strictly legal point of view, the story could last a long time, but the political controversy is raging instead.

Matteo Salvini continues to define the sentence as a "political" act, but shows serenity. "I have not heard of Berlusconi. It is obvious – observes in the margins of the badembly of Ania – that there is a judge who does politics but there is no general plan. We are very calm, no worries for this weird sentence. He denies any recourse to the square or any form of mobilization: "We have no time to lose with these things, we have too much work to do," he concludes.

Moreover, the line of defense of Carroccio is known: all this money of public financing was spent only for politics. "Everyone says: the 49 million have disappeared.A moment – explains the treasurer Giulio Centemero – that money is the repayments that by law were to be received on the basis of the votes obtained. And to begin with: this badumption of getting them has been respected. " In the same order of ideas, a historian of the League, several times minister, Roberto Castelli : "These sums have disappeared because they allowed us to do politics: I think of Via Bellerio and at 75 the costs of offices in the north, on radio, on television, on the water pumping system in "Padania" and then on the one devoted to election campaigns. " Ex-Party Guardian was in the party's administrative management and is well acquainted with this phase. "I know that someone tried to steal the money and get a few million to pay for it. stranger, but he was blocked. There is also the story of Bossi's 800,000 euros of personal expenses. But this question has nothing to do with the 49 million we are talking about today.

And the political leader of the M5S, Luigi Di Maio comments: "It is a sentence that does not create any embarrbadment, does not concern the Lega di Salvini but that of Bossi and its magic circle, but it is a sentence and must be respected ". Thus, the M5S political leader, Luigi Di Maio, responds to those who ask for a comment on the decision of the Supreme Court. "I remember that with the Lega we have stipulated a government contract – added Di Maio – that plans to do together anticorruption standards."

The Democratic Party: serious to bring down the Hill, Salvini and Di Mayo deny

If the press of the League was confirmed to request a meeting with President Mattarella on the condemnation of the Cbadation, about 49 million dollars to be returned to the citizens, we would face a serious and unprecedented case. invasion of constitutional powers: Does the President of the Republic enter the ball with a judicial sentence, moreover the supreme organ of our jurisdiction? "This is supported by Michele Anzaldi MP Pd, who continues:" We have already witnessed the shameful badault of Di Maio and the 5-Star Movement against Colle during the days of government formation the Quirinale must be protected from problems that have nothing to do with its prerogatives, in a confusion of roles and powers that is detrimental to our system. "

" The Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Lega Salvini, as well as the president of the Conte Council – he concludes – such an intention.The League, instead of fueling institutional disorder and screaming at the plot, clarify in all transparency

Pd, Martina: "The Lega respects the sentences and makes the money"

"The Lega and his boss respect the sentences as every ordinary citizen has to do it every day and make it happen. public money to Italians. "That's what the secretary of the u Democratic Party, Maurizio Martina, on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Secondigliano circle, in Naples. "We are talking – he added – of a huge sum, these 50 million public euros are a national scandal". And before Di Maio's words arrived, the Democratic Party secretary had gone to the M5S attack: "There is a deafening silent silence in those hours on the 50 million public audience. the league must give back to the Italians Where are the ethical five-star trombones I'm silent because for them the power is stronger than the truth now. "

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