After the note of Cassinelli and Bagnasco – Taser Experimentation, Salvini responds to Cassinelli and Bagnasco: "We have not forgotten Genoa" | Liguria | Genoa


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Rome – " Without forgetting we respect the commitments made. The experimentation of the Taser will immediately concern the city of Genoa and I hope, at the end of this first period, all the Italian cities. This is what Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, repeating a note from the two Ligurian deputies Roberto Cbadinelli and Roberto Bagnasco of Forza Italia who "criticized "to the Deputy Prime Minister" to have forgotten Genoa ". A clarification came after the mediation of the president of the region, Giovanni Toti, who called the ally of the League asking that Genoa be inserted immediately in the list of cities in which the experimentation will begin.

In the note, Cbadinelli and Bagnasco write: "The experience for the use of electric gun or taser finally begins in 11 cities. But Minister Matteo Salvini and police chief Franco Gabrielli have forgotten Genoa. After the death of a young Ecuadorian during a police intervention at a Tso both came to the Ligurian capital by promising the beginning of the year. experience like, with the use of the Taser, maybe the tragedy that would have been avoided. Then we discover that Genoa is excluded from the experimental phase . We ask the minister and the police chief to also involve the Ligurian city for training and for the first phase of using an instrument that we consider effective to avoid tragedy like that of the young Jefferson ".

After the note of the two deputies, the president of the region, Giovanni Toti, moved : "I heard by telephone Matteo Salvini the city of Genoa will participate as promised to experience the Taser, the electric gun, "wrote the governor on his Facebook profile

In the afternoon, thanks to Cbadinelli and Bagnasco to Salvini and Toti:" Genoa will be the twelfth city that will continue the experimental phase of the electric gun or Taser. We thank the Minister Matteo Salvini who, on his Facebook page, confirmed the news, following our call after reading that the number has actually stopped at 11am. Thanks also to Governor Giovanni Toti for supporting our request. The characteristics of Genoa are such that the Taser can be an important deterrent against small and very small crime. "

Yesterday, the news that the electric gun will enter the arsenal available to law enforcement agencies.After a process started in 2014, the decree launching the experiment. of the weapon was signed. The experiment will be entrusted to the State Police to the Arma dei Carabinieri and to the Guardia di Finanza. Thirty devices to buy , for the moment. The experimental phase will follow a discipline
that a specific interforce group develops and on the basis of which will be formed the men and women of the police involved in the first phase of the project.

"Taser – Salvini reiterated – is a non-lethal dissuasive weapon and its use is an important deterrent particularly for operators of security patrolling the streets and they may find themselves in borderline situations where a deterrent may be more effective and, above all, reduce the risks to the personal safety of the agents ".

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