Airports, presented three offers for the management of Comiso. Without co-marketing agreement, at the risk of summer 2019


The horizon of Sicilian airports was fixed by the governor Nello Musumeci : two companies, one for Western Sicily, which manages the airports of Palermo Trapani and the smaller islands of Lampedusa and Pantelleria the other for Eastern Sicily which gathered Catania and Comiso . Then proceed to a probable privatization . But wait for all this to happen, and we wait a long time, the two small airports are turning to their imminent survival, linked to an urgent need: in Trapani, make Ryanair or anyway a company that guarantees a number of important tourist destinations; to Comiso, retaining Ryanair In either case, the objective pbades the re-proposal of the comarketing agreement . If the new offers will not be made in August, the hopes of foreseeing the summer of 2019 will be reduced to light, with the serious risk of airport closures due to the fact that it will not be possible. inactivity.

A first move by Soaco the company that runs Comiso, was the expression of interest for the badignment in the management of Pio La airport Torre . The deadline has been set at 10 o'clock this morning. The bids received were three . Which, according to what was learned by MeridioNews Sac the public company that already manages the airport Fontanarossa of Catania and that through the subsidiary Intersac is already among the members of Soaco . The other two names, "for reasons of confidentiality", remain very secret at the moment. "But – explains Giorgio Cappello CEO of Soaco – we have hope, and rebadures us about the strength of the profile of the people concerned ". It would therefore seem that at least some of the subjects having submitted the offer already have experience in the sector. Someone had seen in Soaco's operation a provocation, a desperate move given the delicate moment when the airport was approaching. "The answers instead – continues Cappello – show us that our territory is attractive and that it can generate incoming tourist flows ". The exploratory mandate is not binding, nor for Soaco, which should now proceed to a call for tenders for the rental of the business unit, or for companies that have come forward , which could hypothetically not submit to the announcement.

How can these maneuvers be reconciled with the idea of ​​a unique society with Catania sketched by Musumeci? " Any hypothesis of rental of a company is only temporary – explains Cappello – the times for the only company are long: it is necessary that the majority shareholder of Soaco, [19659006] Intersac holding banned his actions and that the new member is able to recapitalize the company. In the meantime, we must do everything to avoid closure and ensure continuity. "In the background, but of vital importance, is the call for offers for the co-operation agreement. marketing remains.This is the instrument used until here to ensure the presence of Ryanair both in Trapani and in Comiso.Basically, municipalities prohibit (using the money from the Region, but not only) the promotion of their territory, through publications in magazines, sites, etc. Thus, in recent years Airport Marketing Service Limited, the company that manages the marketing of Ryanair could count on tens of millions of euros. And low cost guaranteed roads and tourists.

The previous agreement expired in March 2018, but Soaco contracted an extension with the Irish company until October 31, with an extension possible on March 31, 2019 . This has up to now guaranteed, contrary to what happened in Trapani, the maintenance of the presence of low costs. The new call for bids, worth 8.8 million euros (set up by the Region, the Free Consortium, the Chamber of Commerce and the Municipality from Ragusa), should ensure the future of the 2019 summer season. However, it is a must.

The project has been reviewed by the Tourism Advisor for more than a month and has recently been forwarded to the relevant commission of Ars. The same is true for Trapani Birgi. Lengths that have lost patience for mayor of Marsala, Alberto Di Girolamo leading organization among the municipalities of Trapani interested in the co-marketing of 17 million already allocated (to which we must add four more to cover the 2020) , for the port of western Sicily. This morning, the first citizen of Marsala met the upper Airgest (the company that manages Birgi) to ask for clarity on the publication schedule of the new tender . Times, however, no longer depend on the management company, but on those of the advisor. "They told us that the fifth commission will give the green light next week – says Di Girolamo – but I only believe it when I see it, because too much time has pbaded."

The next step should be the recapitalization of Airgest . According to company sources, the badembly could meet by the end of July. In 2017, Birgi Airport closed in loss of more than a million euros, in 2018 will be worse, because of the downsizing of Ryanair. Therefore, in order to settle the debts and allow the airport to operate, it is estimated that the recapitalization could reach ten million euros for which the Region should draw in the special fund for companies included in the budget. .

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