Albano Sant & Alessandro, Bergamo, accident, truck against two cars: four dead


Tragic accident, just before 10 am on Tuesday, July 3, along the old national road 42 to Albano Sant & Alessandro. A Toyota Corolla, on which they were traveling Cristiano Cesaro, 62, his wife Gilda Campagnani, 60, and his elderly mother Luciana Groppi, 86, of Milan, collided with a trailer truck and were catapulted small escarpment. Crashed on the road below. The heavy vehicle then collided violently with an Astra headed by Marco Dell's Angelo, 21, of Endine Gaiano. The people on both cars are all dead, while the 34-year-old truck driver was transported to the hospital in yellow code, shocked but not serious. Cristiano Cesaro with his wife and mother-in-law went on vacation.

According to the first results of the traffic police, the terrible carambola was caused by a lane invasion by the Corolla . Three firefighting teams participated in recovery operations, while 118 participated in helicopter rescue, two ambulances and self-help. Traffic completely blocked in the area.

3 July 2018 | 10:40


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