Alitalia, very hot hours for the FS offering that brings together the board. Union Alert


Alitalia, very hot hours for the FS offering that brings together the board. Union Alert

Final heartbeat. The details of the operation are being defined. Wednesday 31 the deadline for the procedure of sale of the airline, deadline that the government has shielded

at Alitalia it will be a cardiopalmo finish. They are good hot hours in Piazza della Croce Rossa to define the details of the operation that it should bring State railways to submit the firm offer. In the afternoon board of directors, originally scheduled for Tuesday, October 30th. Wednesday 31 ends the term fixed for the procedure of sale of the airline, delay that the government has shielded. The methods of intervention of the F must still be defined, with a sub-tree working in tandem with the commissioners, all in the greatest secrecy.

"If we involve Fs as a technical partner at Alitalia, we will make the business plan for investors more attractive – we do not have to put money in, but we build an intermodal plan. let's find money in the market with a strategic plan "the Minister of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio. So here is the presentation of theoffer of Fs for 100% of the capital, this would only be the first step, with the subsequent involvement of an international industrial partner.

The low cost company easyjet confirmed that he was still interested in Alitalia "restructured" and by a consortium with others, but "is waiting for official information" on how the executive intends to proceed. The Germans Lufthansa and especially Americans from deltawhich according to the law could not have the majority of society. Only Americans, who would have had contact with the company this week, would now be in pole position, the eastern slopes further away.

Remains the obstacle of the conversion into capital of a portion of the bridge loan of 900 million euros (which actually weighs 1 billion euros, accrued interest included); only the transformation into equity is being examined by the MEF, as the operation could be targeted by the European Commission due to a possible violation of state aid legislation . In this puzzle, the professional node is always open. The executive ensures that there will be no layoff, but the unions are in fibrillation.

"In the absence of a clear signal from the government on the future of Alitalia, it is not easy to reach an agreement on social safety nets that touches close 1600 workers. Filt Cgil. The comparison for the renewal of the extraordinary layoff fund has not yet been resolved. Even the Monday meeting ended without result and it was decided to restart the negotiation between the acronyms and the company on Wednesday, October 31st. The company has proposed to reduce by 90 units the extension of the number of cigarettes until March 23, 2019 for 1,570 employees, but acronyms do not consider this proposal to be acceptable. For the new Alitalia, this happens at any time: in this scenario, no one can say, however, what time will start the flight for the rebirth.

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