Also the drones to prepare for the spectacular escape of Redoine Faid. And in France it's the man on the hunt – Photogallery



The daring escape of a Parisian prison by Redoine Faid, the bank robber who was serving 25 years in prison for killing a police officer during a burglary, creates serious embarrbadment in the French government and among the security forces.

Police arrested his brother. The man, Brahim Farad, is under interrogation, reports the BFM television channel. Faid, who had already escaped from a dynamite prison, during this last spectacular escape, which lasted only 10 minutes, was helped by three accomplices armed with Kalashnikovs, who stole the helicopter in Fontenay-Tresigny hostage a pilot. The helicopter landed in the prison during the time of the talks, while Faid was in the company of his brother. The three burst into the living room, used smoke bombs to darken the security cameras and cut the protective nets with an angle grinder. Nobody was hurt. The helicopter was found on fire about 60 kilometers from the prison. The group continued the flight by car. The removed pilot is in a state of shock. Faid was recently sentenced to 25 years in prison for organizing a robbery in an armored van causing the death of a policewoman in the Val-de-Marne in 2010. In 2017, he was sentenced to 10 years for a another spectacular escape on April 13, 2013, when he used dynamite and took prisoners as prisoners.

A burning failure on which the government intends to open an investigation. Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet, speaking on Europa 1 radio, said that she had sent a team of inspectors to the prison to understand what had happened and added to leave Faid in the same prison for a few months was a mistake. "We must be careful not to leave the same people in the same places too long, when we are dealing with this type of individuals."

The commando had "definitely identified the places" of escape "thanks to the help of drones." That's what the Minister of Justice, Nicole Belloubet said. "A few months ago, the prison services had identified drones flying over the building," added the minister who went to the prison of Réau, but "has not yet been able to "officially establish a link with what has been reported escape

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