Everyone can do something to reduce or delay the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. As a research published in Nature's "Translational Psychiatry" magazine shows, those who follow the Mediterranean diet, which is particularly rich in fruit, actually have a reduced accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain, a protein that characterizes the disease. # 39; Alzheimer's.
Previous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, fish, cereals, fruits and vegetables, has advantages in terms of memory. Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup, Australia, wanted to know if there was a link between the actual accumulation of betamiloid proteins and adherence to this type of diet. They thus included 77 adults of average age of 71 years and cognitively "normal" at the beginning of the study. Through Pet, they measured the presence of beta-amyloid in the brain at the beginning, at 18 and 36 months. They then tested the blood samples to evaluate the variant of the APOE4 gene, badociated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease. Finally, the participants were evaluated with a score of 1 to 9, based on a questionnaire of membership in the Mediterranean diet. On average, "increase the adherence to the diet of one point resulted in a 20% decrease in beta-amyloid accumulation in one year and a 60% reduction in 3 years" , write the researchers, highlighting the robustness of the results. .
They add that fruits seem to play a special role, probably because of the high concentration of vitamin C present in many typical Mediterranean diet foods, such as tomatoes and citrus fruits (ANSA).
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