Amazon hits Europe the first day – last hour


(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 17 – Amazonian workers in some countries
Europeans like Germany, Spain and Poland are hitting
Coincidence with Prime Day, 36 hours of promotions and discounts
expected by the US e-commerce giant and taken into
Italy from yesterday to noon. The BBC reports it. On Twitter is
Also born is the hashtag & # 39; Amazonstrike & # 39; translated into several languages.
According to the BBC, in Germany, hundreds of
warehouses protest to ask for better conditions
job. For the creature of Jeff Bezos, Germany is the second
the largest market in the world, after the United States. According to
German union "Verdi Services Union", the company of
Seattle would enrich 'save money on health
Amazon, on the other hand, claims that wages
they are adequate and the staff earn about 12 euros per hour
after two years. Strikes are also underway in Spain. in
establishment of San Fernando de Henares, near Madrid, it is
registered a membership of 80%.


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