An assault laser rifle that reaches 800 meters


This is not a weapon from a sci-fi film or novel, but a real camera designed by a Chinese company, who would like to put it at the disposal of the forces police of the Asian country. a badault laser rifle capable of emitting into a beam capable of burning clothing and skin at 800 meters, retaining its effectiveness even after pbading through windows; a window.

idea is ZKZM Laser, a team that is part of the Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Xi 's year of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The military could use the weapon (now known as code ZKZM-500) during hostage release operations, in order to accurately and selectively strike the abductors (as well as the silencers) without jeopardize the lives of civilians. In fact, he is unable to inflict deadly blows, but to knock out a person causing intense pain. Equipped with lithium batteries, each with sufficient autonomy to "shoot" more than 1000 shots of two seconds each. The weight is about 3 kg, comparable to that of an AK-47

  The badault laser rifle designed by the Chinese company

A concept shows how it could be the rifle Assault laser designed by Chinese reality for the country's armed forces (image: Flickr).

The goal of ZKZM Laser is to find a partner to start the marketing of the device, which can be produced with estimated costs of about $ 15,000 for a single unit. Among those who reported the news also TechCrunch: the site's publishers state that the actual effectiveness of the weapon could be well below that declared, given the laser's attenuation after going through a long distance. In addition, the energy required for more than 1000 activations could hardly be stored in a sufficiently small battery.

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