an innovative technique by American scientists


It is not easy to see a cancer diagnosis. It's a moment when the whole world collapses on us, all hopes and dreams become – in our eyes – an inaccessible chimera. Worse still if you are very young and you intend to give birth to a child. In fact, we all know the devastating effects of chemotherapy. A remedy that not only kills cancer cells but also humans by creating very serious damage. One of them could also be the impossibility of having a child. But thanks to a new technique, many women can still crown their dreams. That's why.

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A child after chemotherapy
Having a child after chemotherapy is not impossible, some women have succeeded. But soon, probably, many more people will be able to do this through the creation of artificial ovaries developed by a team of scientists from the University of Copenhagen. The organ has been reproduced through eggs and human tissue.

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Not only for cancer patients
The ovary reproduced in the laboratory is able to keep eggs alive for several weeks, greatly increasing the chance of having a child even after devastating treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy. But this is not all: the option could also be useful for all women suffering from multiple sclerosis and beta-thalbademia, patients who are forced to follow aggressive therapies to regain their fertility.

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Other Options
In reality this is not the only method to have the opportunity to have children even after chemotherapy. Indeed, many women have achieved through cryopreservation: the removal of ovarian tissue prior to therapy and subsequent reimplantation performed at the end of treatment. Although this is considered a relatively safe method, it may not be good for some cancer patients. These include those who suffer from leukemia and those who have also had cancer in the ovaries. If, in fact, a part of the tissue in which there is even a small percentage of cancer cells is reinserted, these would replicate back into the human body.

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How the ovaries were produced
Thanks to the Rigshospitalet team in Copenhagen coordinated by Susanne Pors, it was possible to create a kind of artificial ovary. To develop it they first used chemicals to strip ovarian tissue of all their cells, especially cancer cells. The result is a kind of collagen scaffold in which are subsequently seeded human follicles, ie bags that contain the eggs in the initial phase. During the experiment on an animal model, it was shown that after three weeks, a quarter of the follicles were still present and that the blood vessels had started to grow around the ovary.

The Evidence
"This is the first evidence that we can actually support for these oocytes.It is an important step even though the road is still very long.It will take many years before we can reproduce the same process in a human woman, "Pors told the Guardian. As an indication, scientists could take about 5 to 10 years for women to have access to treatment. "It will be very rebaduring, if this work reaches its realization, that patients have the graft knowing that there is no risk of transplanting even cancer [come avviene con il tessuto congelato, nda] .The beauty of all this is that many women with ovarian transplants become naturally pregnant and do not need to undergo IVF, "concludes Stuart Lavery, a gynecologist at Hammersmith Hospital.

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