An old woman killed Chiaravalle, she is yellow – Last hour


(ANSA) – ANCONA, JULY 18 – The Prosecutor of Ancona proceeds by
murder for the death of Emma Grilli, 85 years old, found yesterday with
her throat cut in her house in Chiaravalle by her 90-year-old husband
on the return of expenses, but the story remains a mystery. the
Carabinieri del Ris are at work since yesterday afternoon
in the apartment in Via Verdi 19, on the third floor of a
construction of popular housing. And in the afternoon Paola Gubinelli has
placed the autopsy on the corpse of the old woman that will be performed
tomorrow. But the case opened by the prosecution is charged to
unknown and the crime remains unclear.
Neighbors and relatives describe Emma and her husband Alfio Vichi
a loved and calm couple, with two big sons who
they live elsewhere. A simple life, even though it seems like Emma
he had at home a cash sum for the work of the chapel
of family. The investigators are not unbalanced, but the hypothesis more
consistent seems that of a theft or a fake flight:
the drawers and jewelry boxes were open.


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