Ancma, first half registrations + 4.3%


Milan, July 3 (AdnKronos) – In June, sales of motorcycles and scooters exceeding 50 cubic centimeters amounted to 27,496 units, a decrease of 5.8% on a year-over-year basis. annual. Bicycles are stable with 10,733 units (-0.8%), while scooters register 16,763 registered vehicles (-8.8%) and the "fiftys" still lose volumes, with 2,405 sales and a drop of 22.6%. This is apparent from data published by Confindustria Ancma, the national badociation of cycle, motorcycle and accessories. A total of 130,297 vehicles were registered in the first half, up 4.3%. Scooters were essentially stable with 72,039 units (+ 0.3%), while motorcycles, with 58,258 units, recorded an increase in sales of 9.8%. Also in the first six months of the year, mopeds (50cc motorcycles and scooters) totaled 9,897 registrations, down 17.7%.

In total, from January to June 2018, two motorized wheels were therefore sold in Italy (motorcycles and scooters registered + 50cc vehicles), with an increase of + 2.4% compared to the first half of 2017. [19659002] Andrea Dell? Orto, president of Confindustria Ancma, explains that "Confindustria badysts are modifying the macroeconomic indicators because the recovery is slowing down." Concerns about protectionist policies highlight the risk of a trade war that does not suit everyone. much less to Italy which is intended to export. "In addition, employment" always seems to grow, but only with regard to fixed-term and part-time contracts. "

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