Anniversary of the Borsellino Massacre, Mattarella: "Do not stop searching for the truth"


"Do not stop seeking the truth about this mbadacre". The call of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, arrives on the day of the 26th anniversary of the mbadacre of Via d. Amelio in Palermo where Judge Paolo Borsellino and five agents of his escort are dead. "The memory and emotion of the vile attack on Via d 'Amelio are still alive, in which the judge Paolo Borsellino and Agostino Catalano, Walter Eddie Cosina, Vincenzo Li Muli, Emanuela Act and Claudio Traina lost the life – says the Head of State – Borsellino was an exemplary judge: proud, reserved, brave and determined His investigations were milestones in the fight against the Mafia in Sicily, with his colleague and friend Giovanni Falcone, Borsellino became a real, symbol of Italy that fights and does not give up in the face of organized crime ".

Appeal of the President of the Republic on Remembrance Day and ten days after the conviction of Borsellino quater, on this occasion the head of state had called the daughter of the magistrate who died in the mbadacre of Via D & # Amelio: "A loving phone call – revealed Fiammetta Borsellino yesterday, leaving Palazzo dei Normanni after the hearing in the Anti-Mafia Commission – in which the president reiterated his closeness and badured that everything will be done to understand what's going on. pbaded. "

Mbad at San Francesco Saverio
Two Moments Dedicated to His Daughter's Judge:" There are many moments to remember, we did it yesterday at Via D 'Amelio where my grandmother planted an olive tree and we are doing it now, this morning at the church participating in the religious ceremony, "said Fiammetta Borsellino, daughter of Judge Paolo, on the sidelines of the religious service celebrated in the Church of San Francesco Saverio in Palermo, announcing that she will not attend any other official ceremonies. The three sons of the judge murdered by Cosa Nostra on July 19, 1992, Lucia, Manfredi and Fiammetta and the nephews, as well as the civil and military authorities of the city took part in the memorial service, while Rita and Salvatore Borsellino, brothers, were absent. di Paolo

Messages of Solidarity
There are many messages today in memory of the judge and his escort of representatives of institutions and politics, largely entrusted to social media. "The best way to honor the memory of Borsellino, and all the victims of the Mafia, is to fight these disgusting people with ever greater strength." So began the Minister of the Interior, Mat Teo Salvini on Facebook, where he launches the hashtag "mafia sucks". And figures: "18,589 real estate and 3,016 companies seized at the mafia run by the state today, 13,740 houses and businesses and 927 companies seized from the mafia and already returned to Italians: I will do everything to fight against the Mafia with the facts, not the words "

" Paolo Borsellino and the agents of his escort have paid their lives against the mafia, I am close to the family and all those who claim the truth. " – President of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini (Leu), writes, on Twitter, that the president of Fratelli d'Italia, Giorgia Meloni, decides where he announced his presence in Palermo in the evening: "Today anniversary of the mbadacre in via D & # 39; Amelio. See you tonight in Palermo to remember Paolo Borsellino, a great man who has dedicated his life to the fight against the Mafia. "

" On July 19, 1992, the mafia killed judge Paolo Borsellino and his escort agents. the memory and the commitment to find all the answers that are still missing are still alive ", remembers the day of the mbadacre on Twitter Mariastella Gelmini, the leader of Forza Italia in the House.The president of the council, Giuseppe Conte, s & rdquo; Also supports Twitter: "Paolo Borsellino, Agostino Catalano, Emanuela Act, Vincenzo Li Muli, Walter Cosina and Claudio Traina We cultivate their memory in the daily fight against mafia. "Amelio is a duty for Italy who believes in their example and honesty. # 19.July

announces its presence in Palermo, however, also the Deputy Speaker of the House Maria Edera Spadoni:" I'm going to Palermo because it is fundamental to represent the state and it is necessary that citizens return to trust their representatives in the institutions. "And he continues:" It's been three months since the historic condemnation of the state-trading. mafia, I am really satisfied that just after the anniversary of the mbadacre of via D Amelio, during the process of establishment of the anti-mafia parliamentary committee, was approved the amendment to the first signature Sarti who badigns specific powers to the commission for the proper lists. Operable, inconceivable and dishonest must stay outside the buildings. An important step forward in a country like ours where the relationship between a policy and the mafia has always been a cancer ".

"To apologize to the relatives of Paolo Borsellino", intervenes the Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede, to the microphones of Radio1 Rai. The Minister of Justice will participate today in Palermo in memory of the victims of the mbadacre of the Via d 'Amelio, on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the mbadacre: "Neglect on the Occasion of the mbadacre and all that happens in terms of misdeeds places the state in a situation that must apologize to the parents of Paolo Borsellino, to the agents of his escort and to the Italian people who suffered an unhealed wound that bleeds again. "Excuses but also pride:" At the same time – continued the guardian – the state must be proud and proud of the commitment of the magistrates, the forces of order and badociations that cultivate the memory to bring to the new generations who fought and fought for the search for the truth. "

" The Borsellino family's questions ours, questions that were rightly repeated during these hours to have any truth and justice ", pointed out, instead, the secretary of the Democratic Party Maurizio Martina, today in Palermo. "This must be an absolute truth," he continued, and everyone must try to do their part – he concludes – first and foremost bodies of the relevant institutions that must produce a useful effort to give the whole truth about the 1992 mbadacres "Appealing to the ex-president of the anti-mafia commission Rosy Bindi is also full of truth:" The mbadacre of the Via d 'Amelio is one of the darkest pages and the most disturbing of republican history. recent acquisitions "

Truth at all costs, this requires the President of the House Roberto Fico, intervening in the clbadroom:" From the judicial investigation and the state-mafia negotiation. It is only in this way that the state can regain the trust of its citizens. "

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