Annuities: Di Maio, I dedicate them to those damaged by Fornero – Politics


"I dedicate the abolition of annuities to all citizens harmed by Fornero : we cut the privileges to finance the rights, this measure cuts 200 million euros to the legislature". This is how the Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio and Agora on Rai Tre, interviewed by Monica Giandotti

"Bye Bye Vitalizi": the Chamber of Deputies approves the resolution of President Roberto Fico to from 1 January 2019 recalculation with the contributive method of controls. Celebrate the M5S, which descends on the square in front of Montecitorio with yellow balloons and bottles of champagne, and the political leader of the Luigi Di Maio Movement speaks of a "historic day, that Italians have been waiting for 60 years", even it's not satisfied and revive Once on the golden retreats. "Those who exceed 4 thousand euros will be reduced to give back to the minimum," he says. The Annuity Chisel grabs the satisfaction of Matteo Salvini, who calls attention to the "facts" of the League, and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte ("is a good sign") while the opposition with Forza Italy in the lead, which when the vote was absent, they warned against the risk of unconstitutionality. The green light arrives at the Bureau after two hours of discussion and records the yes, as well as the yellow-green majority of Pd and Brothers of Italy who will not pbad for those who defend "privileges" by challenging the method used : the oppositions evoke the risk of appeal saying that they are convinced that the Constitutional Court will only have to reject the measures.

From a different opinion the "father" of the resolution: Roberto Fico defends merit and method and ensures that it is a provision that fits perfectly in the provisions of the Constitution. With the approval of the new measures, commented shortly after the approval of the House, "social injustice has been repaired" and now, he adds, it belongs to the Senate "d & # 39; To arrive – that's the prediction – to a similar conclusion ".

Palazzo Madama for the moment, however, is still and reserves the right to do further studies before choosing to go ahead. A disparity that does not convince many, including LeU, who for this reason chooses not to participate in the vote. Meanwhile, however, former parliamentarians, who for days have promised the battle, do not give up and badure that they want to take all possible steps to make the calls. But not only: when justice is done, they say, and the resolution will be blocked, Fico will have to draw the consequences and resign. A thesis similar to that supported by Fratelli D & # 39; Italia with Fabio Rampelli. For the Democratic Party, however, the Movement could have a second objective and also hope to overcome the rejection by the Consulta – that the Dems give as probable – and thus continue to propagate on this front. Criticism and distinction of which pentastellati do not care however, at least not today. Deputies, senators and government officials meet shortly after the vote in front of the Palazzo di Montecitorio: they bring balloons, champagne and a large silver writing desk "Bye bye vitalizi", which became the motto of the day and also revived by Beppe Grillo , who in the evening posted on twitter "bye bye baby" sung by Frank Sinatra.


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