Anti-abandonment seat, the inventor: "Nightmare expels the alarm" – Report


Bologna, July 21, 2018 – "I have already made available to Minister Toninelli my input of experience on the technical aspects". After the words with which the owner of Transport announced want to make mandatory the anti-slip device on the seats, Michele Servalli wasted no time. The Bolognese entrepreneur and partner Carlo Donati are the inventors of Remmy of the English reminder, which means "remember". This is a child safety for cars that saw light in 2013.

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"From one side I am very happy, on the other I hope that it is not a propaganda operation. But I'm optimistic and I've already written to the minister to make me available to collaborate: we were the first in the world to market a product of Remmy's features. "

Can you explain how this works?

" This is a pressure sensor that should be placed under the seat cover and connected with a cigarette lighter. It fits in any car and in any seat. There are two levels of security: an audible alarm warns that the child is not locked properly and that the car engine is off and the child is on board.

Did the minister answer you?

again, but I hope it will be done very soon, unlike what happened a while ago, when I made contact with the 39, former undersecretary Nencini. But I want to clarify: I do not expect a Pro Remmy law. It is important that the future standard maps the profile of a device with specific features. "


" It must be easy to use, free from the user's activity and without holes. For example, its operation can not be linked only to an application. In this case it would be enough to forget the smartphone in the car to cancel everything ".

Toninelli also announced a deduction for the purchase. What do you think?

"This sounds like a good thing, but the facilitation should be extended to the seats because too many are not being used.In this sense, an immediate relief of VAT would be more convincing than a deduction. "

In light of what you just said, how do you think parents welcome the introduction of the obligation?

controversial. Public opinion will be divided, but I think most parents are supportive. "

Is there such a standard in other countries?

In case we reach the finish line, we would be a pioneer." [19659016] [ad_2]
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