Antitrust against radio-taxi cooperatives in Milan and Rome: an exclusive restriction affects competition


The Antitrust blocks the exclusivity constraints that bind taxi drivers to 6 radio companies present in Rome and Milan because than "restrictive for competition". To raise the problem on labor clauses had been the application of Mytaxi which had denounced the activity of six cooperatives: to Rome the 3570, Pronto Taxi 6645 and Sama [19659002] rcanda; to Milan Taxiblu, Yellow Taxi and Autoradiotbadì as being incapable of answering any other calls than those coming from a single radiotaxis.

The agreements were not considered serious and will not opt ​​for the fine, companies will have 120 days to inform the Authority "of the initiatives that they have Intention to implement to eliminate the established offense ". According to Antitrust, the problem arises with the birth of new technologies. Exclusivity clauses are now considered crucial for a consistent and lasting effect of closing the market for new operators adopting a different and innovative business model, such as Mytaxi, and more generally for competition between closed platforms ( like radiotaxis).

The taxi market has been a topic of debate for many years, last year Giovanni Pitruzzella urged the parliament to propose new rules precisely because of the digital application and Uber, whose arrival on the market has more protest of the category has been attracted.

The deliberation obviously triggered the reaction of the cooperatives. Beginning with Loreno Bittarelli, president for many years, announcing recourse to administrative justice, the president of the cooperative pointed out that clauses are a typical element of all cooperative societies and that one the antitrust initiative has already been rejected by the Supreme Court of another EU Member State.

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