Aosta Valley says no to 25 Syrians, there are not any places


Just a month after his appointment, the governor of the Northern Aosta League, Nicoletta Spelgatti, sends the signal of "change of direction" that his constituents were waiting for: the Region says no to 25 Syrians that the Department Civil Liberties and Immigration from the Ministry of the Interior had badigned them and that they would now be diverted elsewhere. Composed mainly of households, the group of migrants should leave Reggio Calabria by bus to arrive in Aosta about twenty hours later.

The report arrived late Thursday at the services of the Prefecture of Aosta immediately alerted the cooperatives to prepare the reception. But after a phone call between the president of Valle d'Aosta and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, the counter-order arrived today. "Canceled, in Valle d'Aosta, the allocation of new migrants thanks to the timely intervention of the president of the region, Nicoletta Spelgatti," announces a note published mid-day. The stop was due to the "inadequacy" of structures present in the region to organize an adequate reception for these people, "said the regional presidency.

"Until now, we never receive households and therefore there is no suitable organizational situation to welcome them", confirms Paolo Sinisi, President of the Regional Committee of the Cross -Red. In Valle d'Aosta (128,000 inhabitants), there are today 278 migrants. A presence that is the lowest among the Italian regions and which has decreased by almost 12% in less than six months: in February there were 315. If the available places are in total of fifty, those intended Families are only eight, in one apartment. Not enough to accommodate the group of Syrian citizens

Up to here the formal aspects of history, but President Spelgatti does not hide the political fact: "The mission was canceled, thanks to the attention that Minister Salvini has shown to our territory, "he said. And it is precisely on this point that we have not waited for the reaction: "We are forced to witness a ruthless game on people's skin," says Carola Carpinello, spokesman for the left movement, Valle d'Aosta. "The reception of these people does not want it – he adds – and then look for banks to avoid it, and they succeed."

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