applauded. But the thief killed ignites the dispute over self-defense


From the news, we return to political controversy. Because the case of Fredy Pacini seems destined to be the steering wheel or the final approval of the law on self-defense or a new confrontation on the issue within the majority. The Arezzo craftsman, 57 years old, tire repairer and bicycle salesman in Monte San Savino (Arezzo) killed two nights ago a 29-year-old Moldovan entered his business by smashing a window. to try a flight. Pacini in time had suffered 38 episodes of robberies, successful or attempted.

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Tire kills the thief, boom group members Fb "I'm with Fredy"

As long as he decided – and this was also the case of local news – to find a room in an industrial warehouse. The other night, he heard noises coming from the outside. Yes, he got up from the bed, surprised the robbers, who had broken a drink inside his company and shot. Vitalie Tonjoc, a 29-year-old Moldovan, remained on the ground. He collapsed while he was running away in the company 's backyard. A second accomplice managed to escape and is wanted by the forces of the order. According to his lawyer, Alessandro Cheli, the registration in the register of suspects is "due and justified, because it is necessary to establish a fact, investigations are ongoing.The investigation is essential and we are waiting for the results with absolute serenity" . Moreover, registration would be inevitable even if the law on self-defense was approved (although the objective of the law is to minimize judicial controls by reducing the discretionary part). Pacini asked to be interviewed by the prosecutor of the investigation file, the Deputy Prosecutor Andrea Claudiani.

The law
Obviously, the case has revived the debate on legitimate defense and the law that has just been pbaded by the Senate should be in the House. Interior Minister Matteo Salvini phoned Pacini 's lawyer to tell him "the neighborhood of the institutions", even though the interested party preferred not to answer "because". he is too shaken. Monte San Savino is all aligned with Fredy. Upon his return to the company yesterday, he was greeted with applause and shouted "good Fredy". A solidarity Facebook group, "I'm with Fredy", has already gathered 14,000 members, to which must be added the hundreds of messages of solidarity that the man has received on his personal page. Mayor Margherita Gilda Scarpellini, who met with Pacini, made an appeal to the Viminale because the small country of 90 km2 of territory is endowed with more agents capable of guaranteeing security. Salvini then relaunched his battle and that of his party to quickly approve the new law: "The thief must know that he is in danger," he says. According to the response of the Deputy Secretary to the Presidency of the Council, Vincenzo Spadafora, it is already clear that the discussion will be long (as was already the legal approval of the law in the Senate): "I do not He would not have called the shopkeeper, and in order to defend Salvini's statements legitimately, there is a whole pbadage in Parliament that needs to be discussed. "

Last updated: 08:58 © RESERVED COPY

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