applications before July 31


New round of recruitment by Post Italiane in search of postman to be inserted into the offices of post offices through the 39; Italy. The selection is for graduates and graduates . The main national company operating in the mail distribution sector has embarked on an ambitious plan to expand its business, with the aim of intercepting the opportunities offered by the online sales boom. The Deliver 2022 plan aims to strengthen the parcel distribution network, extend parcel delivery times and create a network of points of delivery outside post offices. But the "main activity" of the group still remains that of the postal address, for which periodically fixed-term recruitment to deal with periods of greater postal traffic, such as end-of-year celebrations, to cover the holiday shift.

Here is a new job offer [VIDEO] to look for postal workers and for which there are only a few days left to send the application before deadline ] set at 31 July.

Requirements for the Recruitment of Posters at Poste Italiane

In order to be able to forward the job application as a postman to Italian Post no knowledge whatsoever. is required details but the following requirements are required requirements :

  • high school diploma obtained with minimum grade of 70/100 or degree degree triennial with a grade of at least 102/110
  • driver's license (required for the operation of the company's van)

The application may be submitted before July 31 [VIDEO] exclusively in connected mode by connecting to the gate, through which Poste Italiane performs search for personnel .

By completing the application form, the candidate will have the opportunity to indicate the territorial destination preferably among those available and

The selection procedure for recruitment in Poste Italiane

The path of the selection will begin with a phone call Italian territorial resources Poste Italiane which will announce the arrival of an email by which a test attitudinal will be submitted to the candidates, in preparation for the second part of the selection. This must be supported in one of the local offices of the Group and will consist of a test drive of the motoryon of the company through which the correspondence is delivered.

The successful practical test will be required to be hired with a fixed-term contract . The number of hirings and the duration of the contract will depend on the requests that the territorial directorates will send to the central management of Poste Italiane according to their respective needs.

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  • Letter holder in Italian /

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