Aprilia, a stranger sued and beaten because they believe him a thief: dead


Shock ad Aprilia where we found last night died a 43 year old Moroccan. The man, who was on board a car, reportedly was sued by citizens because he was considered a thief then defeated ]. Two Italians are accused of homicide pre-intentional.

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The Moroccan, at one point in the pursuit, eventually got off the road but came out with his own legs of the damaged car and was attacked by one or two of his pursuers. "That's what Ansa learns from sources of investigation, according to which an autopsy will have to wait to determine if the fatal injuries were caused by the" " accident or beatings.The man was in a car whose driver had escaped.

It was two o'clock in the morning when a resident of the area of ​​Via Guardapbado reported to the police 112 that An alleged Renault Megane with a foreign plate and some people aboard, he wandered there. "The other 112 phone calls followed," explain Arma's soldiers, "to signal the movements of the car that had run away after realizing that it was the object of the attention of the inhabitants. "The car was then found by the Aprilia Carabinieri along the Via Nettunense, at F.S. di Campo di Carne, accident. Nearby, the military found the Moroccan lying on the asphalt.

At the time of the discovery, there was also one of the residents who had followed the Megane and telephoned to 112. But from the tracks left on the ground, the carabineers deduced that there was also had other people who had left before their arrival. After hearing the two Italians and thanks to the images of a video surveillance camera, the carabinieri in agreement with Deputy Prosecutor Giuseppe Miliano, freely reported the two Italians for manslaughter. Tomorrow, Monday, the autopsy on the corpse will be organized.

Investigators are reluctant to define the badault of kicking and hitting a real shot. On the basis of the elements acquired up to now, it is not known how violent he was: the stranger was certainly hit by blows, but it is very likely that he reported serious injury even after the accident. What is certain – because this figure has emerged from the video cameras – is that the foreign car was not rammed and that it was found off track by that of the pursuers.

"At the conclusion of investigations into the death that occurred this morning in Aprilia – explains the provincial commander, Colonel Gabriele Vitagliano – were reported in a state of freedom, for manslaughter in the contest two local Italians, uncensored, forty years old.The clues appeared to them first from the vision of the CCTV cameras, then from the testimonies of those present, Vistesi unable to deny in front of the One of the suspects had remained on the scene, the other, resurable and untraceable, which had been searched, had finally been formed.The victim was identified in a 43 year old Moroccan citizen. with a criminal record, he had a backpack with him. "

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