In a car and suspected to be a thief with an accomplice, he was first followed remotely by another car then pursued and when the suspicious car ended off the road, he was beaten and beaten, and he died. Perhaps because of the consequences of the accident or the beating, or both. Thus ends the "manhunt" taken last night on the streets of Aprilia, victim of a 43-year-old Moroccan boy, who had with him a backpack with a tool of burglary.
Two people, both Italian, were identified by the police and then declared in a state of freedom for manslaughter: they came from the examination of video surveillance camera images in the area, as well as only on the basis of testimonials from people who knew what had happened investigators
This will be the autopsy, ordered by the Latina prosecutor, to clarify if causing the death of the man were just the consequences of the accident of the road or even or only the strokes suffered after leaving the car, a Renault Megane, finished the road. And that explains why currently the two Italians are in a state of freedom even with the badumption of a crime of manslaughter. No provision for a third party who was also on site: he had no direct role in the way the facts unfolded.
In a brief statement from the Aprilia Carabinieri and the Latina Provincial Command, it is said that on the basis of obtained from the examination of the pictures and testimonies that both reported were and are unable to deny having played a role in the story. One of the suspects – said the communique – remained at the scene of the event (and with him also the third person, the incident abroad), the other was first made untraceable and then, known as one was looking for, was formed a carabinieri
According to a first reenactment, everything starts at 2 am, when a resident in the area Via Guardapbado reported to 112 a presumed Renault Megane with subjects on board, with a foreign plate, which bypbaded these parts. The 112 calls were different, made by one of the three who were on the pursuer, an Opel Astra, all calls indicating the movements that the Megane in question made, obviously who was on board had realized that They had been
Finally, the car was found by the Carabinieri of Aprilia, meanwhile she was researching along the Via Nettunense, at the exit of the station of Campo di Carne . Next to the car was the body of a person, the Moroccan. And there were two Italians there, one of whom was then reported. It is badumed that at a certain point following the Megane to keep an eye signaling the motions at 112, then became a prosecution concluded with the exit of the suspected car, whose driver escaped.
The carabinieri believe, based on the first investigations, there was physical contact between the victim and at least one, if not two, of the three Italian pursuers. And only the autopsy, scheduled for tomorrow at the Latina Hospital, will find out if the death is due to a set of consequences of the accident and blows, which would then become concausa but in a deliberation concern, or if the whatever physical contact that was however killed only for the consequences of the accident of the road.
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