Architecture serving university institutions


A green area of ​​about 90 hectares, in the Decima Malafede Reserve in Trigoria and 200 million investments, is the land on which the creativity of the most prestigious architecture studios are practiced selected in the world, to design the new face that the Rome Biomedical Campus will gradually take over the next 30 years. Not only new teaching and research spaces, welcoming environments capable of stimulating students and academics, but also a University open to the city and a permanent dialogue with the territory.

There will be a simulation center, spaces dedicated to innovative teaching, new departmental and central services, a health residence, housing for students, sports equipment and a large socialization area, Aggregation and study. Without neglecting infrastructural interventions that improve quadrant access and usability enhancement of the nature reserve in which the university is immersed.

The chosen instrument of the Campus, and it is the first time for a private institution of the capital that is located at the level of the most advanced metropolis, is precisely that of the international competition of 39; architecture, with a qualified jury identified the seven finalist studies, which in Rome as part of a symposium organized at MAXXI, titled "Architecture at the Service of Academic Institutions", each present their project until such time as the winner is decreed in the fall.

In addition to the representatives of all the studies of the competition, representatives of the scientific and academic community from around the world and institutional personalities such as the President of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, the Mayor Virginia Raggi MAXXI Margherita Guccione and the General Manager of Campus Bio-Medico SpA Domenico Mastrolitto. Moderators of the symposium: Luca Molinari, scientific curator of the international competition and Martha Thorne, general director of the Pritzker Architecture Prize.

The purpose of this study day is to bring reflection and public discussion on the dialogue between architecture and the city in order to create new relationships between the community and the new spaces designed, according to an urban regeneration. The question we will try to answer is: "What is the best environment to welcome and support education and research in the third millennium?"

The overall contest was actually designed as a participatory process, to promote the encounter and dialogue between users, citizens and institutions, with more opportunities for debate and meeting, to achieve the creation of a center finances its excellence also on integration with the landscape and relations with the territory.

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