First a discussion. Then the ax blows. Finally the reaction with the pistol: death Baldbadare Contrino

  Murder in Favara: killed at 70 years for a quarrel on the borders

Baldbadare Contrino, seventy years old, was shot dead at the apogee of 39 a quarrel over a question of land borders. It arrived in the Caltafaraci district in Favara, nell & Agrigentino. It seems that between the two elders, there was a violent dispute during which the victim of the murder would have thrown and hit the "rival" with an ax. The injured old man was shooting at him, while the attacker was trying to escape in a small tractor, several 38 caliber cannons. In the Caltafaraci district there are 118 doctors and carabineers who hear a person who seems to have witnessed the conflict. The alleged perpetrator of the murder was immediately arrested by soldiers of the Armed Group