Assassination Vassallo, investigated carabiniere – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – NAPLES, JULY 2 – The police officer of the Carabinieri
let Lazzaro Cioffi, in prison for a few months for alleged
relations with a drug trafficking boss in the province of Naples, is
also investigated in the investigation of the murder of the mayor of
Pollica, Angelo Vbadallo, took place in 2010. Per Cioffi
the badumption made by the prosecutor of Salerno is in competition
voluntary homicide. Cioffi's name had already appeared in the
investigative reports on the murder of Vbadallo: a witness reported
of his presumed presence in the area in the days of the murder but
this circumstance has had no conclusion. According to this track the
mayor would have been killed for his efforts in the fight against
I do my shopping and I discovered a drug on the coast
Cilento. On June 14, Cioffi was interrogated by the public prosecutor
Colamonici on the accusation of the murder contest: he has prevailed
the faculty of not answering.


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