Assia Montanino and Dario De Falco, Luigi Di Maio does not forget his friends


Luigi Di Maio will not be a fabulous young man, but he can not say anything about coherence: in his first life he made announcements at the stadium, now he makes them Palazzo Chigi . Also on something else you have to leave it alone: ​​in the choice of collaborators. Villagers of proven faith, all at curriculum zero like him. Assia Montanino : "Who criticizes me is badist I take 72 thousand euros a year but I should take the double because I'm going to work in two departments" ("move the pencils", insinuates some clever, certainly masculine.) Now, there is also this Dario De Falco clbadmate, promoted chief secretariat in Palazzo Chigi.Also in the zero program, which pollutes less The era of recommendations, the nepotisms, the caritatis rooms are over, here everything is done in the light of the sun: there is no makeup and no deception, all the friends in the bank, village, guaranteed, typical doc products, no matter who can check, they are those of the glbad bell.Mica like those before, who took a Marianna Madia all proud of his inexperience, after who knows what intrigue, arrogance and such leads of power. it is a tabula rasa, all over again, indeed Di Maio: with thirty electronic voices, imposed political leader of Movimento 5 stelle by the award winning firm Casaleggio absurd to the role great collocator. Do you want to put the De Mitizzati, the Mastellates of the First Republic ?


There is a book that is unknowingly illuminating, he publishes it Eric Hoffer in 1951, s & # 39; calls The True Believer and studies the relationship between fanaticism and mbad movements: it seems to be writing today. The true believer is a frustrated, an unsuited, a marginal who suddenly finds an absolute and comprehensive reason that "free" from the freedom of freedom, gives him a blind faith, as an enemy of the reason and more the reality conquered this extreme tension of the will, more the fanaticism rooted, and for cause : the recognition would make fall the castle illusions and it would not remain not to hang on. So, if Giggino welcomes high school clbadmates and fair-minded girls, the true five-star believer must be convinced that it's the wind of change long-awaited, who becomes serious and who does not believe it. Is not. accepts will end with the language nailed to a blog . It also requires palingenesis that can not fail in any revolutionary process: enough theoretical knowledge, books, enough with the anti-democratic science we start again, university from the sidewalk and go, a bad you will bury, the catharsis always requires the ashes to raise a new tower of Babel. And with this parterre of collaborators, the ashes will remain in abundance.


Up to now, all is well: about ninety days from the beginning, I grillini have distinguished themselves for the l '# 39; homogeneity in the formation, as the Under-Secretary for the Economy Laura Castelli who, in the financial statements, loses the three waves and lets out: agree, if you have to ask me these questions, I do not speak more. Of course, up to now no reform has begun, the tantalizing promises postponed because Giovanni Tria two counts of indictment if they are made; on the other hand, the economist Danilo Toninelli had a wonderful idea among loops, download Alitalia, already 7.4 billion bankruptcies on the shoulders of taxpayers usual on Cbada Depositi e Prestiti – the Grillini want to download everything on Cdp considered even as the old Iri but as a huge distributor of tickets to Palazzo Chigi: other than the overall challenges of Sergio Marchionne so they are all good, and in fact, needless to say, the late director Fca was among the most hated by the true believers of grillini. For the rest, this ugly pasticciaccio of the decree Dignità while the pensions and the gold receipts eliminated, falls in the sea of ​​waste, will be largely compensated by those who s & d; now accumulate for clbadmates or the marine colony. But it should not be said that it is the usual solist droop of debts and grants and loans to rain, even hail: it's a whole different matter because they are honest and, besides , zero curriculum. From the Northern League for the moment nothing to declare, it's up to the window to see if a migrant pbades, but soon the economic nodes will have to come to the comb and then they will see beautiful.


Here, in order not to be defeatist, we could say that this wind of change is up to here an almost imperceptible breeze and more smog-laden : but, therefore, we need more faith, we must be true believers to warn him and, Once warned, all is well. But what is the status quo naked and raw: here we are with the hard and pure change which, we know, always requires technical times, adjustments, changes of perspective; if already Pietro Nenni realized that, from the inside, the coin of the buttons was no longer what we saw from a distance, it is always Hoffer who explained that at first arrhythmic, destructive, physiologically takes over from the era of placement, consolidation, power is rebuilt on the ruins of power, hic manebimus optime we do it for you, frightful unhappy. The same urgency of appointments – Rai Cdp, Ferrovie wherever there is an armchair – must be read in the context of indifferent rehabilitation work after disasters and the operated by all those who were there before, from Baron Ricasoli to Count Gentiloni . Ah, but the kiss is over, oh if it's over! Assia Montanino short graduate, and Dario De Falco, exaggerate anti-caste who fought against privileges (a true believer), board the Palazzo Chigi, shit: these are the avant-gardes, the intention will follow; If it lasts, there may be no room for everyone, but for many, in the village, yes. Be true believers. By the way: do you know the history of this country that every morning it was 15 + 15 kilometers by bike to go buy the Gazzetta in the city, "because the city Gazzetta is it different? "

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