Assunta Montanino, Luigi Di Maio and "dignity to go and hide"


Hesse That is to say Assunta Montanino beats a blow. After cautiously restricting the confidentiality of his profile, on Facebook the private secretary of Luigi Di Maio object yesterday of an article of the newspaper and then the public defense minister defends himself with the nails and with the teeth: "The net amount that I take monthly – equal to about three thousand three hundred euros – covers a commitment that goes well beyond the time stipulated in the contract, and which lasts 7 days out of 7, without time limit, and with significant responsibilities, "having" only "26 years, I thought it was a positive and not a demerit, in a country where no one did that say "open to young people." I come from the same country as Minister Di Maio and it was undoubtedly a "fortune": because he met several years ago my father, who had just rebelled against the loan sharks, and gave me the opportunity, as was given to others. university students for an internship at the vice-presidency of the House. "

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Assunta also threatens to sue anyone who has questioned his skills and accusations of badism on Giornale for publishing his" private "photos:" Unfortunately, some media not only help spread false information, but also to nail Italy to a middle-aged cultural . "And here it's hard to blame her, even though the pictures were apparently public the Facebook But today Giornale returns to the subject and challenges the gross salary of 72 thousand euros that he receives for his first job:

In fact , a hospital surgeon at the first experience (which for a doctor still requires a long practice) does not earn € 38,000 gross per year, just under half of what Assia Montanino will receive for her work. 39, emolument attributed to him thanks to the friendship with Luigi Di Maio is closer to some 75,000 euros earned by a primary school with a position of hospital director.

Normal taking the clashes, since the Movement has often fueled social hatred for those who win through politics. And the predestined five-star girl can be considered lucky. A first job as executive secretary in a company would have yielded at most one third of the sum, from 18 to 25 thousand euros. And the fortune of the young graduate in economics also emerges in comparison with a position similar to her, chief executive of management, which however badumes many other experiences: in this case the average remuneration is 58.400 euros , or 15 thousand less than what will be perceived it

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The defense of Assunta Montanino by Luigi Di Maio

And finally, closes the Giornale :

Of course, Assia Montanino has been legitimately engaged, be clear: nothing different from what happened in the past with other ministers. But where does the program, the online selections, the meritocracy at all costs used as a club by the Cinquestelle against political opponents come from? The M5 sources are trying to replicate that it has its "availability 24 hours a day." 7 But how, one observes on the Net, Di Maio does not want to limit the work of Sunday?

But the most severe reprimand is that which comes from the director Alessandro Sallusti in the editorial entitled "The dignity of va and cache":

The truth is unfortunately another. Di Maio and the grillini did not win the caste, they only replaced it. Piazzano friends and friends everywhere and pay the weight, fight the RAI and public companies, they shoot with the League of members for a presidency and invoice the bill to businesses, families and retirees. That at least the saints would cease to be tortured by their diversity.

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