At age 24, she asks her leg to be amputated from pain




At age 24, she asks her leg to be amputated for pain: she does not have the money to try to get treatment.

A dramatic story comes from Birmingham in the UK and speaks of a 24-year-old girl. Her name is Paige Howitt and she has been living for 7 years with a rare disease, which causes pain in her leg, pain that would have become so strong and unbearable that they could not continue. It is precisely for this reason that Paige came to ask for amputation of limbs

Illness and very expensive treatments

It all started when Paige was 17 years old and she suffered knee surgery Something in the post-operative course goes wrong and at that moment a real test begins. According to doctors, the girl suffers from the "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome" (CRPS) and in order to be treated she would have to undergo hyperbaric chamber sessions that the British National Health System does not succeed and which would therefore cost more than 22 one thousand euros each. [19659007 "The pain gets worse – explains Paige – and I decided to have an amputation, I do not have the opportunity to pay for treatment and I suffer too much, the pain is excruciating and now unbearable ".

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