At the beginning of the summer sales but the Codacons warn: "Sales will not take off"


Summer sales also begin in Pescara : the end-of-season reductions will begin on July 7 but in the region sales will not take off. That's what Codacons says, which has done the usual tracking of the propensity to spend consumers during the sales period.

In Abruzzo, there is also a general mistrust on the part of families that will affect the propensity to buy. A good turnout is expected in the shopping streets and malls as early as the first days of sales, but sales will disappoint long-term sellers' expectations although this year the percentage of sales is expected to increase. Average discount will be higher. to 2017.

"Now, sales are no longer an appointment expected by families and have completely lost their value – explains the President Carlo Rienzi – Today, indeed, consumers, thanks to the trade electronic, can find discounted items they do not even need to leave the house, just a click on the PC or the smartphone, that's why the end-of-season discounts have not more attractive to the citizens and should be completely abolished. "

also the provincial president of the Confcommercio of the Italian Federation of Fashion, Enzo D 'Ottaviantonio who states as follows :

"We are looking forward to a good start Also taking advantage of the Night of Sales and the event of July 14th, the Adriatic Night, which will bring people to Pescara.We anticipate an increase in our business figures after a capricious spring short of We also believe that consumers know how to choose the quality and service of traditional traders, in the face of the invasion of low-cost chains increasingly present in the center of Pescara and not just in shopping centers. . Promoting local commerce means empowering the local entrepreneurial fabric and giving our children a future, as resources stay in the city rather than leaving the local loop. I would like to point out that small shops make a different city and characterize it, they are authentic ramparts against the deterioration and insecurity of city centers. Where the small neighborhood business has died, cities have become darker, uglier and more precarious. "

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