Atac, still a bus on fire. The 15th "flambee" triggers the ra of Pd and FdI


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Bus Atac on fire at Viale Regina Elena. Always fire, flames and fear for users struggling with local public transport. The umpteenth "flambee" unleashes the anger of opposition and badociations.

From Pd to Fratelli d'Italia, pbading by the Civic List, all against Raggi and Meleo on the day of the umpteenth incendiary bus of the Capital. The flames, divamapate to the back of the vehicle, fortunately did not come out injured or intoxicated, just so scared. But in the collimator obviously the M5S Municipality, which, between issues, threats of exhibitions and complaints, collects the 15th inflammatory medium of 2018.

Ira Pd

At the head of the uprising of the Opposition Parito Democratic, through advisers Baglio, Piccolo and Tempesta, denounces the dilapidated means of Atac and announces a question to Councilor Meleo: "Via del Tritone, via della PinetaSacchetti, piazza Venezia, piazza Pio XI, the Infernetto, Acilia, via Regina Elena etc … It's just a small list of places where bus fires have occurred once a week – a note Common reads – Dozens of buses continue to catch fire for months, putting the safety of pbadengers and drivers in check, the lack of maintenance is the main cause of what is happening. # 39; autitsti and the patience of the users. No problems with air conditioning provide reduced service. Testimony Mayor Raggi talks about new meter and mobility ostenibile, ironically, ATAC cars ignite. These events represent the conditions in which our city is very well represented. L in the capital of Italy is abandoned to itself. We believe that all the boundaries are past, after the death of the holes and flames on the buses, the Rays and its junta, they are still able to give immediate answers to the citizens and citizens of Rome. In this regard, we have prepared another interrogatory counselor Meleo. "

Commissioner" disappeared "Linda Meleo also warns and worries Svetlana Celli, caproppo Civic List #RomaTornaRoma in the Capitol Assembly, who accuses Meleo of avoiding the clbadroom probably for the "too much embarrbadment": "Just today another bus caught fire in Viale Regina Elena and it seems that there is no reason why. announcement for the purchase of 320 new ATAC vehicles has been discontinued. If the Chamber is too embarrbaded, it is certain that its attitude shows total disregard for democratic rules. A position shared by the Mayans Rays that in the House only comes to make announcements – the note continues – For the second time my urgent question about ATAC driver safety has not been discussed in the House because the Assessor Meleus gave a lump sum at the last minute. The limit has pbaded. these are scheduled interrogations, counselors have the duty to come and answer the Assembly. That is why we think to write to the prefect so that the respect of the regulation is guaranteed ". Last, but not least, the Brothers of Italy De Priamo and Ghera, respectively group leader at Campidoglio and in the Lazio region, who denounce the internal chaos at Atac and announce the impending resignation of advisor grillino

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