Attached to a service station Busto Arsizio: a stop


The alleged thief was identified and arrested by the mobile team of the Questura di Varese who last night, Friday, with an accomplice shot on Marco Lepre, station. essence of Busto Arsizio and he took away the collection of the day

This is a pluripregiudicato of 50 years found in possession of the stolen goods

To do it know is the Undersecretary of the Interior, Stefano Candiani born in Busto Arsizio. " Truly commendable – he says – the work done by the police to fight these serious crimes.It is now necessary to get in touch with existing legislation so that these dangerous subjects do not may be more likely to jeopardize the safety and security of citizenship.

The 40-year-old dispenser was shot three times Friday night when he returned to his home in the Beata Giuliana neighborhood after work. who would have been able to track him down.Leave their victim on the ground, the two escaped by taking him gains.It may be a robbery, but all the badumptions remain open.

The man has was operated at night at Legnano Hospital.The delicate operation was successful, but the prognosis remains confidential

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