August 2, 1944 – August 2, 2018. Roma and Sinti in front of Montecitorio – Articolo21


August 2, 1944 – August 2, 2018. Roma and Sinti in front of Montecitorio


On August 2 from 14 to 17 the Roma and Sinti will be in front of Montecitorio for:

– remember the last 2,897, Women, men and children Roma and Sinti from the Zigeunerlager of Auschwitz-Birkenau killed on the night of August 2, 1944 and commemorated with them more than half a million dead brothers and sisters in the camps. extermination of Europe

– express concern for climate of discrimination with threats of ethnic censuses and widespread violence against Roma populations and communities and for the Italian government to promote shared interventions with the Roma and Sinti communities therefore effective, working for real change so as not to live in fear and anger, but with courage and hope.

This hope is supported by a European movement that, after the mobilizations of Spain and Romania, will see demonstrations in front of ambushes. Italians July 31 in the Czech Republic and the same day August 2 in Bulgaria, Serbia and Slovakia, ending August 6 in Macedonia and Hungary.

Roma and Sinti demand respect for human rights, the rejection of racism and violence against anyone and a friendly and friendly Europe in response to internal and external crises in the continent to act against this black wave that brings us back, for us to protect us and our children, for the defense of all citizens, of our democracy.

The day of August August:

at 12:30 a garrison in front of the Ukrainian embbady against the criminal violence of neo-Nazi groups that resulted in the death of a young romite of 24 years and injured women and children

; 14 to 17 the demonstration in front of Montecitorio, to which they joined

CGIL Nazionale, CGIL Rome Lazio, Arci Rome, DIEM 25, SOS RAZZISMO ITALY, CdB Basic Christian Community St. Paul of Rom a, Rete Antirazzista Fiorentina, Association July 21, Association for the national peace, Party of the Comunista Rifondazione Federation of Rome, Sharazade, Another history Varese, Association Sardinia Against the marginalization, Power to the Varese people, Moni Ovadia, Alex Zanotelli, YanisVaroufakis, Mauro Matteucci – Reception Center "Don Lorenzo Milani" in Pistoia, Antonello Pabis President of the ASCE, MEI Independent Labels Meeting, Federation of the Italian Cinema Circle, Association Piedmont-Greece Santorre di Santarosa, Association AIZO, FairyConsort, Advisor Regional Marta Bonafoni Lazio, Paolo Cioni Sant & Egidio and Regional Councilor Lazio

and to whom they will bring a sign of solidarity

Juan de Dios, President of the Union Romani Spain, first member of the Roma in the European Parliament; Zeljko Jovanovic, Director of the Office of the Initiative of Rome, national representatives of CGILRoberto Giordano, Secretary of the CGIL Rome-Lazio; Filippo Miraglia ARCI National; Claudio Graziano ARCI Rome; Miriam Meghnagi, singer; Vauro Senesi, draftsman; Paola Severini, journalist; Carmine Amoroso, director; Paolo Falessi, singer; Antonio Cericola, conductor; Vito Caporale, musician; Luca Dragani, musician, Antonella Napoli, journalist Article 21

Dijana Pavlovic, Alleanza Romani, Juan de Dios Ramirez-Heredia, Uniònromanì; Santino Spinelli, National Association Them Romanò onlus; Nazzareno Guarnieri, Romani Foundation; FederArteRom; Gabrielli Radames, Nevo Drom Association; Fabio Suffrè, SucarDrom Association; Ernesto Grandini, Italian Sinti Association of Prato; Samir Alija, New Romalen Association; Demir Mustafà, Association AmalipeRomanò; Concetta Sarachella, Roma in Progress Association; Aldo Levak, RomanòGlaso Association; Daniela De Rentis, Academy of Romanesque Art; Gennaro Spinelli, Futurom Association; Saska Jovanovic, Romni non-profit badociation, Paolo Cagna Ninchi, Upre Rome Association; Giulia Di Rocco, Association of Friends of Zefferino, Kriss Romany Association, RemzijaChuna, Rowni Association, Ion Dumitru, Roma Association and Romnia Europe; ArabelaStaicu, Liberi Association, Vojslav Stojanovic, Romano Pala Tetehara Association; Igor Stojanovic, Roma and Sinti Documentation Center; Marco Brazzoduro, Association of Citizenship and Minorities


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