Austria offers dual nationality to South Tyrolese. "No" from Forza italia


The idea of ​​dual nationality for South Tyrol comes back to being evoked. According to reports in its edition today Tiroler Tageszeitung citing Austrian government sources on 7 September, the corresponding bill should be finalized. A third meeting of the working group on duality will follow. In the meetings held up to now, the circle of potential candidates for dual citizenship has been defined: German-speaking Italian citizens or Ladin resident in Alto Adige reports the newspaper, quoted by [19459004Apa declaring that the working groups have defined rights and duties and by 7 September, we should work on the precise definition of the text. Prerequisite – it is still read – remains the agreement with the Italian government. And in this regard, in recent weeks, there has been an exchange of information. The provision, the newspaper emphasizes, should not be decided against the will of Rome. Immediately the response of Forza Italia : "Thinking badly is a pity, but we always guess, said the late Andreotti. I hope it is a coincidence, but it intrigues me that Foreign Minister Moavero did not respond to the outcome of the European Council, my question about the ## 147 ##, ########################################################################### 39, continued interference of Austrian President Kurz in a part of the Italian state such as South Tyrol. "This is written Michaela Biancofiore deputy of Fi." I would not want – adds Biancofiore – that the news of today, published in Tiroler Tageszeitung on the launch of the law by Austria on the granting of dual nationality to citizens only German-speaking and Adige-Sudtirol-speaking Italian-speakers, had been arranged masochistically with Rome, however, in the year of the anniversary of the victory of Italy in the First World War, as a result of which in the peace agreements South Tyrol became Italian "." The President of the Kompa Indigenous Province Tscher and Austrian Minister Kern still speak with provocative intent of provoking the Austrian guardianship function in South Tyrol, without having to say that the liberation liberation treaty signed by the two states in 1992 ". "I hope that the Minister of Foreign Affairs wants to express his surprise – the deputy of Fi continues – to the Austrian ambbadador and calls him to report and that with the vice – Prime Minister Salvini, they are fighting for the respect of the Italian sovereignty from their own internal borders.It would be at least curious if the sovereignty stopped at Salorno (border between Trento and Bolzano) in a kind of remake of Christ arrested at Eboli ". "Italy and Alto Adige deserve respect and the government is well aware that the barrel of Catalan-style powder may ultimately represent my land in the heart of Mittel Europa.Every recent action by the Austrian Prime Minister Kurz aims to carry out propaganda actions against the German-speaking and Ladino-speaking citizens of South Tyrol in order to attract them to the "Austrian motherland" to make a secession in velvet gloves ", concludes Biancofiore

(Image: Tiroler Tageszeitung )

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