Autistic boy graduated in Caserta: the speech moves teacher and comrades – TV Republic


A moment of genuine joy for the students of the Bachelet-Maiorana Institute of Santa Maria in Vico, in the Casertano, where a 17-year-old knife-faced man touched the face of Professor Franca Di Blasio. To give a particular maturity was an autistic student from the province of Benevento, who faced the video exam taken by his mother. The speech to the boy's clbad touched the teachers and comrades who burst into tears and applause before the group photo. Supporting teacher Michele Vozzella is enthusiastic. The director of the institute Pina Sgambato posted on the social network the video taken by the boy's mother during the examination. "The tears of Professor Vozzella are the tears of the whole school – writes the Sgambato – we are proud of you Francesco, we will miss you, can you still live in a world in color I would propose the final letter of our champion as a manifesto of autism. Then the director adds a postscript: "I allowed myself to share the video because, as you have heard the audio, his talented mother wants to go around the world, helping the cause special children like Francesco! " 19659002]

Video: Facebook Pina Sgambato

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