Autistic student graduates in the province of Caserta (Video)


The video posted on social networks of a 19-year-old boy with a severe form of autism receives a large number of actions: the young man from the province of Benevento call Francesco Criscuolo and is engaged in the final interview of the registration examination

Less than a month ago, you will remember that he was an autistic boy in the United States to arouse deep emotion among those present during his graduation speech. This time to move the teachers and his companions to the examination of maturity Francesco who drew an exemplary performance and exemplary commitment.

By his side the support teacher, who stimulates him in the exhibition. In the end, as soon as the test ends, the emotion prevails and unreasonably unleashed. Do not hold back joy is also the support teacher, who burst into tears.

The video was posted by the director of Bachelet-Maiorana Institute of Santa Maria a Vico in the Casertano: same high school, where a 17-year-old student marked the face of a professor a few months ago Franca Di Blasio, later awarded the title of Cavaliere della Repubblica

Francesco recounted his discomfort with serenity and he thanked everyone from concierges to teachers, to clbadmates because they understood him and that they liked him for what he was, that is, "a boy like them, with the same dreams for him". The future ".

The applause and the tears have closed a particular maturity. On Facebook, the manager Pina Sgambato posted the video shot by the boy's mother. "The tears of the teacher are the tears of our whole school – writes Sgambato – s we are proud of you Francesco, we will miss you! May you always live in a colorful world! am happy that our school has professionals of the value of Michele Vozzella ".

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