Automobile tax 2018, reductions, exemptions, additional and prescription. How not to pay. And the changes on the way


The tax on cars is one of the most invisible taxes of Italians, although it exists in almost every other country. We try to understand the current facilities, deductions, exemptions, extra even in the last sentences and what could happen in the future

2018 car stamp, exemptions

The basic rule is clear: they are called to pay car tax 2018 all owners of a car, even if the vehicle is not used and remains stationary in the garage. While waiting to understand if one of the many reform proposals goes to port (including that on the introduction of a European car tax), the calculation of the amount to be paid changes according to the power vehicle and region of residence. Recalling that the car tax is a regional tax and that each administration can therefore apply very specific regulations that must be paid on the last day of the month following the month in which the previous stamp expires, there are cases where "total or partial exemption payment of this tax.

In principle, there are exemptions for persons with disabilities, disabilities and disabilities (with the following wording: invalid with severe limitation of walking ability or by several inputs (Article 30 (7) of Law 388 / 2000), for hybrid cars, for electric cars, reductions for cars running exclusively on LPG and CNG.In more detail, the vehicle tax of 2018 is not payable to a disabled person or to a financially dependent person of a disabled person, for serious illnesses related to deaf-dating, mental disability with accompanying compensation, motor disability with adaptation of the vehicle, physical disability with serious limitation of walking.

Exemption from the payment of car tax is for a vehicle with the option of choice of the interested party which must indicate in the application relative plate exemption, possibly replaceable if the car is changed. In addition to these cases, the reduced traffic tax for vehicles over three hundred years old for own use or promiscuity is added. No tax on vehicles for registered organizations, ambulances and vehicles used to transport people under special conditions or organs and blood. Even historic cars or those of historical interest and collection registered in one of the registers of Asi, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia and IMF are exempt from the payment of automobile tax 2018.ù [19659002] But that could change everything by the executive and the EU

The next will be the year of the reform of the car tax? Maybe, because two forces are active on the change. On the one hand, there is the government that intends to reduce emissions by raising taxes for the most polluting vehicles. On the other hand, there is also Europe, which aims to standardize the rules for all countries. The combined action of the two leaders could therefore result in a revised possession-related tax. Regardless of its use, motorists are indeed required to pay what the region needs. And in the case of large displacement vehicles, the addition of the super-stamp received by the state is triggered.


This government will not hold hands on the front of cars and news of the sector. Starting from the secular question of the tax on cars and its reform, otherwise its cancellation. The issue is also over on the table of Europe, considering the desire of the community executive to standardize the rules.

The impression is that an acceleration can be achieved on the change of what is actually a tax on the possession of the vehicle in the sign of respect for the environment. In essence, the tax on cars could be tied more and even better to the pollution of the product. Unsurprisingly, we also think about the increase of excise duties only on diesel, to finance fiscal measures, but still thinking about the discouraging use of diesel vehicles, a another hot topic, that of insurance. , with the executive who could push the introduction of prices for those who do not commit offenses

More: in the government contract between Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle, we read as the plan infrastructure for charging motorized vehicles electricity must become a dynamic tool capable of intercepting and rapidly resolving problems related to potential infrastructural deficiencies, both at national and local level, in order to contribute actively to the development of electric mobility

This is just another key point – with the revision of the vehicle tax and insurance reform – related to the need for car-sharing Faced with the increase of electric car quotas in the fleet.At the agenda also incentives for the purchase of low-emission or hybrid and electric cars and the contextual scrapping of v dated and fueled gasoline or diesel powered and stop to increase VAT (also fundamental for the possible purchase of a new car) with the sterilization of the safeguard clauses.

If the car tax in Italy is calculated on the basis of the power of the vehicle – the higher it is, the higher the amount to be paid – the amount of the euro will be linked to the kilometers traveled during the year . The will of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament is to link the car with a little less to the possession and a little more to its concrete use. And this same concept would apply to all countries, including Italy. However, given the recent promotions and investments in the sector, in addition to the kilometers traveled, the other parameter that will affect the formation of the amount to be paid will be the level of environmental pollution produced by the car.


To be authentic, an electronic device suitable for the detection of distance traveled, similar to the black box, now used for insurance purposes, is required to detect information useful for of the calculation. If the intentions are clear, the uncertainty is rather related to timing, considering that a package of changes of this magnitude is unlikely to see the light at a tight juncture or already the next year. Easier to believe that the European car tax can come in a few years. The intention of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament is to introduce it in 2023, with a first experiment on heavy goods vehicles and those weighing more than 2.4 tons

In the next three years, we would move to the implementation of the entire car park. European regulation in progress, if the measure proposed by the Transport Committee of the European Parliament was to get the green light from the European Council and the approval of the 27 Member States of the European Union, we must wait until 2026 for the 39, definitive introduction.

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