Automobile tax, increase of 20% in five years, in expectation of the European tax


A real stroke who suffered car tax in Italy, which has in recent years Increase of 20%. This is what emerges from a search for Uecoop, the European Union of Cooperatives, based on the data of Istat on Italian consumption.

L & # 39; increaseTherefore, this seems to justify the dislike of motorists for this tax, in the expectation of novelties always announced but never realized, as the latest proposal for a European tax based on the degree of car pollution. . Even the latest finance law has disappointed expectations, reserving the only novelty of the possibility of the car tax stamp sorry [VIDEO] for unpaid annuities between 2000 and 2010.

Increase in motor tax by 20% in five years

Analyzed in detail, the data collected by Uecoop's research reveals that from 2013 to 2017, the vehicle tax was suffered in Italy. increases total of 19.8%. But it was not the only burden for Italian motorists who continue to pay, with Greece and the Netherlands, fuel prices higher in Europe. Overall, the taxes Connected to the car paid by the Italians, they rose by 171.6 million per year, reaching 5.2 billion euros in 2017. An increase that has not spared companies that have seen their taxes increase. 11.3%.

Regarding the future of the car tax, you can not even say that you are optimistic because the recent news in this respect, they seem to be moving towards the imposition of a model of European stamp based on the degree of pollution of the vehicles.

A possibility that would place many drivers (and small businesses) in front of the alternative between a new car tax for older cars and the purchase of vehicles with less polluting engines.

European stamp: new increases for the most polluting vehicles

In fact, in recent months, the European Parliament's Committee on Transport has put forward a proposal to make the automobile tax equal for all EU countries. This proposal provides for the calculation of the automobile bolus on the basis of the average number of kilometers traveled in one year and the level of pollution car. In practice, those who use the car more and drive with older engines, such as Euro 3 or Euro 4, should pay less than those who drive a car with an engine that complies with the latest and most restrictive standards and with limited journeys. . A novelty that, hopefully, should not come into force before 2023, given the difficulty of standardizing the legislation of all Member States.

In the meantime, the only good news on the car tax comes from the law on stability [VIDEO] that with the beginning of the peace tax, will allow "malignant" to cancel the debt related to unpaid stamps from 2000 to 2010.

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