Autonomy goodbye, on the Pontida's lawn also the Northern Leagueists


From green remained only the lawn, the official symbol was disjoined the North and secession seems to be found from a distant past: the League which stands today on the "sacred esplanade" of Bergamo for its traditional rally, number 32 and the biggest ever predicted the organizers, has definitely changed the connotations and the lowest rate of "padanit" of its thirty years of history coincides with the return to government after seven years of # 39; opposition.

Clbadified the Bossi model

result that the "captain" Matteo Salvini can present to the militants, result of a turning point that laid the autonomous model of the founder Umberto Bossi, that of the League "North Union" , to turn towards sovereignism, current of political thought whose first interpreter remains continental Viktor Orbn, the Hungarian Prime Minister confirmed for the third consecutive term

The competition with the 5 Stars
to the original magic, Salvini n & # It has not arrived so high yet. He had already been taxed at the head of the center and, after only a month as Minister of the Interior and Deputy Prime Minister, he managed to mask the 5-star movement that had garnered nearly twice as much of votes. The polls say that if you vote today the League would be the first party, result never even touched by the Senatr. The chromatic shift, from green flags of the Po Valley to the national blue sets and sweatshirt with the words "Salvini Prime", the programmatic statement of a movement that invokes "Prima gli italiani" without distinction between " padani "and southerners, while maintaining the symbol of Alberto da Giussano on his cards.

Objective National Strength
The goal is even more ambitious: to become, Salvini announces, an international force that transcends regional and national boundaries and brings freedom, work and security to all peoples of the world. 39; Europe. The national horizon seems at hand: We are also going with the typical products of the Campania chain to make known the 250 Neapolitan Leagueists – now more contradictio in adiecto – ready to converge on Pontida to pay tribute to a secretary that again, in 2009, intonava the refrain Feel that stinks, even the dogs escape the Neapolitans have arrived (he explained that it was a stage choir at a party with friends). If one understands a lot of the guest list from the guest list, the debut of a Sicilian governor, Nello Musumeci, on the pre of the league, the most important choice.

Loyalty to the center-right
Presence that, alongside that of the other presidents of the center-right region, Salvini remembers that the alliance remains valid. Despite the pact of the government in Rome with M5S and despite the distance with Silvio Berlusconi. On migrants first and foremost. the knight admonished him, to think that the countries of the Visegrd group or the German CSU could be our allies. The model, for that. Orbn sealed the southern border with barbed wire; Salvini made his Viminale debut with the closure of ports to "illegal immigrants". Hungarian Prime Minister declared war on NGOs helping refugees; the Italian deputy prime minister warns that foreign ships disguised by foreign powers in Italy do not touch the ground. sovereignism, an autonomous dream that has developed out of proportion.

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