Bad weather in Japan, deaths reach 76 – Asia


(ANSA-AP) – TOKYO, JULY 8 – The number of victims due
the heavy rains in Japan reached 76: the 48 dead
confirmed, in fact, now 28 more deaths are added
But the budget, says the spokesman of the Japanese government
Yoshihide Suga, could be further aggravated because you do not do it
knows the fate of 92 people in the southern part of the
Prefecture of Hiroshima. "We have received – he said – more than
100 reports of victims. "Employees 40 helicopters
rescue mission. "It's a battle with time" ha
told reporters the prime minister, Shinzo Abe,
stressing that "rescue teams
Max. «
The Meteorological Agency of Japan said that
rain in Kochi Prefecture reached 26.3
centimeters (10.4 inches), the highest level since they're
started these recordings in 1976.


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