BAG MILANO in slight decline starting with Europe, although Mediaset and Telecom markets


      MILAN, July 30 (Reuters) - Beginning of a slight decline for Piazza
Business and other European exchanges.
Around 9:15 the FTSEMib yields 0.2%, the Star
0.2%, while the European benchmark FTSEurofirst
300 loses 0.35%.
** After a slow start, MEDIASET (+ 2.4%)
Friday's closed markets announced the half-yearly accounts.
** Shopping on TELECOM, +1.8 in a small area
moved to Europe.
** FCA benefits (+ 0.6%), CNH decline (-1%).
** Down STM (-1.1%) in line with the sector
European technology that is affected by the previous weakness of the
sector in the United States.
** Sale of 3% AMPLIFON promoted to "buy" from
** AUTOGRILL low (-1.5%) after the rise of

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